I have been having stomach cramps for about two years now, it gets worse sometimes and gets better other days. I am often constipated or I have diarrhea (usually constipation though) and sometimes get a sudden urge to go to the bathroom, I can hold it in, but it hurts a lot. After I relieve myself, the pain goes away and I feel fine. This happens from once a day to once every three days. It has gotten a lot worse in the last 4-5 months. It used to happen every once in a while, now I have pain every day, I get very gassy, and I haven't had completely normal stool for about 3 months (it might sound strange, but my bowel movement often starts normal, but near the end it gets very hard of very watery)
I am on birth control, which elevates my blood pressure slightly. During my period, the constipation / diarrhea and pain get a lot worse, my blood pressure is very low (it has been for about three months), during my pill free week it is often way below average. This makes me feel tired, weak, hungry and dizzy all day. During all other weeks I don't have low blood pressure symptoms. Apart from these symptoms, my periods have been completely normal the last few months. We use condoms as well, so I can't be pregnant.
Could it be irritable bowel syndrome, or is it something else? And if it is IBS, could the low blood pressure be a symptom? (since we don't know what else could be causing it)
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