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I have these bumps on my tounge and I think my tonsils are swollen too I've been really stressed and depressed ever since I had my son in August
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Hello Katiejo
Thank you for writing.
You need to see someone about your depression. You may have post-partum depression - medication and/or talk therapy can help you. Your immune system may be down which can cause canker sores .
Cankers develop on moveable parts of the mouth – tongue, cheeks, lips, and at the base of the gums. They start out as small, red “pimples” that burst within a day. Once ruptured a thin white or yellow membrane will cover the sores. The vast majority of sores will heal within two weeks without requiring treatment and without scarring.No one is entirely sure what causes them in everyone, but here are some theories.
So far as researchers have been able to determine, canker sores do not appear to be caused by viruses or bacteria, although studies show that some people may develop them as an allergic reaction to a bacterium in the mouth.
They may also be the result of a faulty immune system where the body defends itself against and destroys normal mouth cells.
Studies in Britain have found that 20 per cent of occurrences happen where there are deficiencies in vitamin B12, folic acid and iron. American studies haven’t shown this connection, but it may be because of different criteria for the study subjects.
Other studies have shown a link between Vitamin C deficiency and the development of canker sores.
Anon, are you eating properly? A poor immune system from depression and lack of vitamins may be causing this. Please seek help. And please stay in touch with us.
October 18, 2017 - 4:23pmBest,
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