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Any help for skin that gets sticky when it gets wet?

By July 11, 2009 - 10:13pm
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sticky skin

Three nights ago I noticed that after washing my hands they felt really sticky, almost like when you use the last paper towel on the roll and you get that glue residue on your hands. However, it wasn't the last paper towel so I figured maybe the liquid soap was really old and doing funky things so I rewashed with dish soap and again grabbed a paper towel. Once again, my hands got sticky as I dried them off. Thinking now that there was something wrong with these paper towels, I washed again and this time dried with a hand towel only to yet again find my hands sticky as they dried off. The stickiness only lasts 30-60 seconds, until the skin completely dries, but during that in-between time of soaking wet and totally dry they feel very tacky to the touch and my fingers will actually stick to each other.

The next day when I took a shower I noticed that the water was beading up on the skin on my arms. Sure enough, when I dried off afterwards I found that all of my skin is tacky to the thouch until it is completely air dried.

Today I shaved my legs and my skin felt almost like it had a layer of wax on it that kept catching the razor. The skin on my hands seems to be getting more sticky when they get wet. Water continues to bead on my skin when it gets wet. I asked my children if they can feel that my skin is sticky to the touch and they said yes.

This is affecting all of my skin now, including my face. I always put a moisturizer on my face after washing and it does not feel like my skin is absorbing it now, it just feels heavy and greasy since the lotion just sits there on top. I also tried putting lotion on my hands and it was not absorbed at all, just left my hands feeling very slimy and greasy so I wiped it off.

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this or have any suggestions for what might be causing it? Thanks for any held you can give.

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EmpowHER Guest

I don't know if you guys are still reading this thread or not, but in the off chance that you are, I would like to add my two cents in.

My name is Jenn and a couple of years ago my whole body when to he** in a handbasket. One of the things that went wrong was my skin. Sticky was an understatement! It was sticky but dry. Water would run off of it, but it was almost like plastic wrap. I would sit and cry because the residue coated my skin, hair and between my fingers and toes. Nothing that I did would help.

Here's what I did do and found out after Google-ing and no doctor helped me AT ALL! They are useless, in my opinion.
There is mold in my house. It messed with my hormones in a BIG way. Mold will do things to you that you can't imagine possible. You can't see the mold in my house, it's airborne and I know when it's better and worse because my skin gets stickier when it's damp outside and consequently inside the house.
I also had the Mirena IUD for over 4 years. Another lovely nightmare that made the hormone issue worse. Once that was removed my skin sighed with relief for about 10 seconds.

If you have been exposed to mold I can tell you, you will feel it. Your skin doesn't filter the same way....Hence, sticky skin.

It's late here on the east coast, so if you are all still out there, I will check back later.

November 16, 2011 - 10:24pm
EmpowHER Guest

doctors don't care about us. I've been dealing with doctors about a number of issues and they shrug us off, the medical community has been trying to get doctors to listen to people but they see us as dollar signs, they shrug us off the more we come back to find out more info to see if they care again. Its truly sad.

October 25, 2011 - 12:10pm
EmpowHER Guest

How about we take a look at whats been staring us in the face all along YES I'm talking about the computer, our bodies are releasing a barrier to protect us from the radiation. Just a thought.

October 24, 2011 - 4:59pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi all and especially Lucille and Lora, Kacha here. Interesting posts both of you.
Lora, yes I have changed location about a half a year ago and noticed a slight improvement in stickyness over this period of time.... But I dont think that the water is the full issue here, but I think you should try changing heater anyhow, I totally get that, just to rule it out. Hard to tell why my symtomes i s a little bit better , it could be the water could be anything.
I also have extremely cracked lips, sensitive to sun. Just as you say the bottom lip is worse. ( got worse after tretment with high doses vitamin B's though so b vitamins doesnt seem to be the issue for me, alternately my uptake of the supplement was bad too) I also have a very difficult stomach and I definetely think my uptake is being disturbed on alot of nutrients. For me I know I have been extremely low in omega 3, potassium and cholesterol, ( a coulple of years ago I took the tests now) and as I understand it we need cholesterol for production of hormones...atleast my gyneachologist told me that. Lucille I also think that hormones is involved for atleast some of us. Do you know why your cortisol levels bottom out? Do you know what levels are optimal?...I was in a study for people with IBS (a stomachdisease) and they checked my cortisole levels then, and I think they were high but never got the results printed out for me since it was a sciencestudy.....I tried getting an investigation of my other hormone levels a couple of years ago, I was concerned with my preogesteron levels beeing low , just a hunch, and read alot abot that, since I had many other symtomes that I thought might have something to do with hormonal imbalance. My gyneachologist was the one who said that my low cholesterol could be an issue.
To wrap it up I think diffrent water can make a little difference, but It seems unlikely it is causing it, I do have a suspicion towards plastic components from pipes etc, that may bee in the water, but unfortunately if you don't have your own well I guess it s very hard to avoid) also people, I just remembered about reading a swedish report about dental materials, plastic fillings ALWAYS leak bisphenol A even tough it's been said that when the materials harden they dont leak....but they do! Bisphenol A and other components in plastic are hormondisruptors. My bets guess for now is: Chemichals causing hormonal dysfunction/imbalance/overproduction/underproduction etc..., telling skin to produce or build up in a wrong way?
Keep posting sticky sisters!

October 19, 2011 - 6:58pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi, all. Lora here. Good to hear from you Kacha. I feel like I am following in your investigative tracks. Before I do anything I feel I should consult you! I have an appointment with a biological dentist in a couple of weeks. My Chinese MD lined it up because my dental meridian showed some problems. Back in 1996 I had my amalgams removed. Hope to find out if all is going well. The dentist recently addressed the bisphenol in his newsletter. Something else I'm in the process of trying is related to Dr. Norm Shealy, he has quite a background- among other things he invented the TENS unit for pain. Anyhow, he is also connected with Carolyn Mace (well known medical intuitive) and has developed his own intuition. I told him of our condition and he sent me instructions on areas on the body to tap, and interestingly, it is related to hormone adjustment in the body. If you want to contact me I'd be happy to send the photos of the "Ring of Water" areas so you can experiment with massaging the areas with finger tip and then tapping on the areas. If you're interested let me know here and then we'll see what happens.

October 22, 2011 - 4:57pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Lora, again. I made a spelling error in my previous post that I want to correct. The medical intuitive I spoke of is Carolyn Myss.

October 22, 2011 - 6:49pm
EmpowHER Guest

Lora, here.
Lucille, thank you for the response. My doc recently put me on support for my low adrenals. Is anyone else dealing with cortisol/adrenal challenges?

October 19, 2011 - 5:31pm

For me, I know that this sticky skin coating isn't the result of something in the water supply. Since acquiring it I've had extended stays in other places with a variety of water sources & have seen no change in the condition from one locale to the other. My problem first began in late May of this year with the most severe months being July & August. Although I have noticed several drug connections to some of the other posts, I don't necessarily think that is the root of my problem either. I have only noticed significant improvements following extended treatments with prednisone (used in relation to other health issues). My cortisol levels bottom out often & that severely throws off the other hormones in my body as well as my blood chemistry. I am now menopausal but have never has a need for HRT, but again I'm thinking that this is a hormonal issue. So, for some of us the answer my not come from a dematologist, but rather an endocrinologist.

October 19, 2011 - 12:58pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi, All. Lora here. I have pursued the doctors. Alternative doc has diagnosed me with multiple food allergies from blood tests. I'm not successfully avoiding them all, but working towards it. Don't know if something has caused my inability to digest these foods, or, if these foods are causing the intestinal and overproduction of some component in the sebum (don't know if I shared this before, but a medical intuitive told me something was causing a component of my sebaceous glands to over-produce and it was producing a water repellant like substance on my skin.) Having trouble digesting beef, chicken, green beans and kidney beans , YEAST (gluten), and cane sugar. Not much fun eating any more. I have decided to get a new water heater just to eliminate that in case I am reinfecting myself. Probably a waste of money, but for my sanity I need to do it. Something new I've observed is that I have to be careful when in the sun for long time because it results in my bottom lip trying to disappear and my lips become extremely cracked and dry - the signs of a possible vitamin B deficiency which then makes me wonder if the sticky in my stomach isn't allowing me to absorb vitamins. Don't know. Has anyone else changed water heaters or changed residences and noticed any changes?????????

October 17, 2011 - 4:52pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hello anonymous. This is Kacha. Yes, many of us have considered something in the water contributing, there are many and detailed comments about that here if you are interested read earlier posts. But most of us with that suspicion also tried different kind of water with no, or little effect of improving the symtomes.... the sticky when moist skin is there when you add moisture of any kind, sweat, etc, so the sticky symtome is there all the time, and gets appearant in contact with moisture. So its not only minerals from water temporarely making our skin sticky, (that would rinse of after a while using other type of water) for most of us affected by this skin condition, that would seem unlikely, atleast I think so.

October 16, 2011 - 11:53am
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