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EmpowHER Guest

I don't know if you guys are still reading this thread or not, but in the off chance that you are, I would like to add my two cents in.

My name is Jenn and a couple of years ago my whole body when to he** in a handbasket. One of the things that went wrong was my skin. Sticky was an understatement! It was sticky but dry. Water would run off of it, but it was almost like plastic wrap. I would sit and cry because the residue coated my skin, hair and between my fingers and toes. Nothing that I did would help.

Here's what I did do and found out after Google-ing and no doctor helped me AT ALL! They are useless, in my opinion.
There is mold in my house. It messed with my hormones in a BIG way. Mold will do things to you that you can't imagine possible. You can't see the mold in my house, it's airborne and I know when it's better and worse because my skin gets stickier when it's damp outside and consequently inside the house.
I also had the Mirena IUD for over 4 years. Another lovely nightmare that made the hormone issue worse. Once that was removed my skin sighed with relief for about 10 seconds.

If you have been exposed to mold I can tell you, you will feel it. Your skin doesn't filter the same way....Hence, sticky skin.

It's late here on the east coast, so if you are all still out there, I will check back later.

November 16, 2011 - 10:24pm


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