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Any help for skin that gets sticky when it gets wet?

By July 11, 2009 - 10:13pm
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sticky skin

Three nights ago I noticed that after washing my hands they felt really sticky, almost like when you use the last paper towel on the roll and you get that glue residue on your hands. However, it wasn't the last paper towel so I figured maybe the liquid soap was really old and doing funky things so I rewashed with dish soap and again grabbed a paper towel. Once again, my hands got sticky as I dried them off. Thinking now that there was something wrong with these paper towels, I washed again and this time dried with a hand towel only to yet again find my hands sticky as they dried off. The stickiness only lasts 30-60 seconds, until the skin completely dries, but during that in-between time of soaking wet and totally dry they feel very tacky to the touch and my fingers will actually stick to each other.

The next day when I took a shower I noticed that the water was beading up on the skin on my arms. Sure enough, when I dried off afterwards I found that all of my skin is tacky to the thouch until it is completely air dried.

Today I shaved my legs and my skin felt almost like it had a layer of wax on it that kept catching the razor. The skin on my hands seems to be getting more sticky when they get wet. Water continues to bead on my skin when it gets wet. I asked my children if they can feel that my skin is sticky to the touch and they said yes.

This is affecting all of my skin now, including my face. I always put a moisturizer on my face after washing and it does not feel like my skin is absorbing it now, it just feels heavy and greasy since the lotion just sits there on top. I also tried putting lotion on my hands and it was not absorbed at all, just left my hands feeling very slimy and greasy so I wiped it off.

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this or have any suggestions for what might be causing it? Thanks for any held you can give.

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EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

why no one suggest any nutrious supplement
healing thru food could be more realistic?

January 1, 2012 - 1:45pm
EmpowHER Guest

thnaks! Edward, my problem has already been solved
last week. it could be the help of d chant of medicine
buddha and also my current job related to dishwasher
i used to be very sick & dengue fever also owing to
medicine buddha.

December 30, 2011 - 11:30am
EmpowHER Guest

Hello all. Edward here.
I hope my experience with this problem will help a few of you fellow sufferers.
Like most here I developed sticky skin quite rapidly over a couple of weeks and it just kept getting worse with all of the symptoms described in the previous posts.
I also read every comment on this site and many others. After changing soaps and eating habits etc with no success I looked for something we all have in common. Putting it all together I believed it to be water related and worked from that angle.
We have lived in our house for 20 years without any problems showing up before so it was hard to suddenly blame the water. However, luckily, we have a green box composting plant opened up in the last two years only about 3/4 kilometer uphill from us. I thought something was getting in the ground water which could cause the problem. This was a total red herring but it kept me working on the water angle.
I had two lucky occurrences. The first is that we went away to the cottage for a week and my skin did start to become less sticky. But the real luck was that when we returned our water smelled overpoweringly of hydrogen sulfide - rotten eggs!
We have lived in the country with wells for a long time and immediately knew how to deal with that. A bottle of peroxide in the hot water tank and the smell started to go and and over the next few days so did my sticky skin!
However in two weeks my skin started to get sticky again and a few days after that the rotten eggs returned. Hit the tank with two bottles of peroxide this time with the same results. A couple of weeks later the cycle repeated. I couldn't understand why. When we had the problem in another house it would be a year or more before the smell would come back. What happens is that every hot water tank has a zinc rod in it to reduce internal corrosion. Unfortunately some little microbes just love the zinc rod, when the conditions are right, and the by product is hydrogen sulfide. It seems our bodies produce the waxy/sticky residue to fight off the effects of the microbe or gas (don't know which).
I couldn't figure out why we suddenly had this problem and why it would return so quickly. And that is where the second lucky occurrence came into play. I had been working on the cars and had some very dirty work clothes that I decided to run through the wash with the temperature on HOT. As soon as that had finished I decided to have a soak in a hot tub to get some of the grease out of my skin. With only a third of a tub of water the flow started to go cold - shouldn't happen out of a 60 gallon hot water tank. I also knew the answer to that problem - the lower heater element had burned out.
Changed out the element and while there dropped the temperature to the factory setting of 125 degrees f. We usually ran it at 160 but it does cost more to keep at that setting so while in there thought I may as well save money.
Bad idea. It took more than a month but sticky skin started to return. Figured it wasn't hot enough to keep all the microbes down so put the temperature up to 140, Which is where it is now. Quite a few months now without sticky skin.
The theory is that as long as we were at home using the water, with one element burned out in the heater, the microbes were kept below the smelly level but were bad enough to cause sticky skin. When we went away they were able to get far enough to get to the gas stage. So couldn't pin down the cause as long as we weren't away for more than a day or so. The burned out element kept the water in part of the tank at the temperature they like. As did the energy saving 125 degrees!
This will happen even if on city water as long as your tank has a zinc rod so anyone who uses hot water may be affected by this combination of events.
Sorry but I do not expect this to help everyone but you may be one of the lucky ones.

WHAT TO DO - (only necessary if you or a family member has sticky skin)

1. Check that your heater is set to 140 or higher.
2. Verify that the water is getting to that temperature. Oven thermometer under a hot tap closest to the heater. If it is the bottom element the water will be at the correct temperature that first comes out so you are still best to go on to point 3 even if the temperature is correct.
3. Verify both elements are working - they are on only one at a time so each will have to be tested for the correct resistance value.
4. Treat the hot water tank with peroxide (this could be the first step if you want to try to get rid of sticky skin in a hurry however it will return if any of the other problems are still there).

How do you get the peroxide in the tank?

TURN OFF THE POWER TO THE WATER HEATER! If water is drained below the heating elements during the following steps the element will burn out almost immediately.

1. Fill up a pan or kettle with cold water and then shut the water off at the main or turn your pump off.
2. Open a cold tap on the lowest tap in the hose to release all pressure. Then close the tap.
3. Attach a garden hose to the drain tap near the bottom of the hot water tank and run it to a drain. Do not open it yet.
4. Pour the peroxide in a container that you can get under the faucet of one of your hot water taps that is on a level that is above the top of the tank - next floor up is best. Have your kettle of water handy here.
5. Open the tank drain tap.
6. Put the container of peroxide under the faucet so that the faucet tip is immersed in the peroxide. Open the hot water tap to that faucet and the peroxide will start to be sucked into the plumbing and down into the tank. Tilt your container as necessary to keep the tip of the faucet immersed in the peroxide until it has all been sucked up.
7. Fill your container with water from your kettle and let that be sucked up also. Repeat with the plain water a couple of times to make sure the peroxide is not just sitting in the pipes and not getting in the heater.
8. Close the hot water faucet and any other taps you may have opened.
9. Close the hot water tank drain. And remove hose.
10. Turn on water main or pump.
11. Go to a few faucets in the house and open each, both hot and cold, for a few seconds, until it runs without bubbles, to burp any air out of the system that may have entered during this process. You want to be sure you hot water tank has filled back up.
12. Turn on the power to the heater.

Good luck.
Take care,

December 29, 2011 - 10:13pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

i will nvr try out yr tips coz it does'nt sound logic
i only try ways that possible always goes with my
own sense. yr method seem like dangerous too.
thks but so sorry u r silly

January 1, 2012 - 1:28pm
EmpowHER Guest

not homo changes mi 38yrs o my child 5yrs o.
both we got sticky hand and symptom is exactly
with Twig. think we can't get rid of sticky feel
come and go bcoz of clothing and palm sticked
with stubborn clue, i knew the rest of my day
is doom must be very careful with thing that i
touch esp clue and sticky stuff will be sticking
onto our hand easily, it may takes about aday
sometime, until the white spot totally disappear.
to think back whoelse can believe what i suffer
and take it mi and my child for bathing for 45mins
3times aday and also washing hand habit.

December 22, 2011 - 12:42pm
EmpowHER Guest

ICKY, has your sticky skin improved from addressing your testosterone levels?

December 18, 2011 - 1:23pm
EmpowHER Guest

Lora, here. Hi Kacha and all. Kacha, my thinking is that this stickiness is a result of something happening inside the body. There's something present inside and the stickiness is a result of our body trying to defend itself. In my case I'm presently addressing the mercury poisoning in my body. I don't have mercury in my mouth; it was removed years ago, but I do have mercury present. Mercury didn't show on my hair analysis, but when the doctor gave me an IV of DMSP to pull the mercury out of my body it was present in my urine. Don't know if it's there from the past or from my contact lens solution or what. I am going to take oral chelation prescribed by my doctor. When I spoke with a pharmacist at a compounding pharmacy about getting the prescription filled, I told him I had sticky skin. I was surprised when he responded, "Oh, yah. Sticky skin goes along with mercury and candiadias." The yeast in the body does it's job of attacking the mercury and ends up overproducing. And candidias becomes a problem. Food intolerances develop.

I have the mercury, blood tests for food allergies show I have the yeast overgrowth. I can't get rid of the yeast overgrowth and candidias until I get rid of the mercury. So, my present plan is to get rid of the mercury. Even if that doesn't get rid of the stickiness I know I need to get rid of the mercury.

I think all of this is too involved for me to try to treat on my own. You probably have already done what I am going to suggest. I suggest you google 'biological dentists' to find one in your area (where do you live?) and maybe by talking with one or more of them, they can recommend a physician(s) who also use alternative methods. You may be reacting to a substance placed in your mouth. Or find another doctor who diagnoses the electrical energy of the meridian points. I have to travel 2 hours to get to my doctor. I am not knowledgable about homeopathy. When I do oral chelation I will also be taking 2 homeopathic remedies from my doctor. Regarding the tapping - the tapping I mentioned might be a bit different from what you did. You can google 'Dr. Norm Shealy and ring of water' and maybe get info. I haven't been disciplined about using it.

December 18, 2011 - 1:19pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Lora! ( and all of you out there) Kacha here.
I think your thought about something in the saliva drying out the skin of the lips was interesting. maybee that coulb be a different type of view fromthe one I am fering, that my symtomes, again spred from hand to lips. I could be something in the saliva and in the swet and since i sweat more on hand han reast of the body the symtome reappers at those plases?
The thing is, that I have always cracked lips, they bleed and very painful, but the moment the stickyness reappers it becomes appearnt that they get a more "burned" kind of irritation, on top of the crackedness. It feels like a chemichal burn or a sunburn. like something is really in action.... lik eu used gluestick for chapstick for mistake. Yep that how it feels. a warm burning feeling of chemichal residue working its harm. But I guess the feling comes from the friction of beeing sticky.
Since I had had severe excema a hole year before the stickyess first happened in -00, I was really upset with people telling me, (doctors ) it was only the severe eczema that was the problem.ignoring the stickyness that made treatment of the skin so difficult for me. you know youre own skin, escpecially when you are used to having to take care of ecsema. They really should get that it is a problem when extremely dry skin that normally sucks upp lotion in an instant, a whole can at a time with no problem, suddenly cant soak up moisture and fat! Is scary and really against nature. The probling with lotions and ointments just sitting on top was big at that time. i used a vaselin, by the way to to ease the friction of the lips, but had to stay away from products on the rest of the body for a long time. it beacame more warm and infected when old lotion was building up. Oh he feeling. Thats why I get scared nowadays when I get an upswing in symtomes, and when it seem to spread from hands to lips...hate that felling of soon beeing covered all over trying to find a way of stop it.
Another thing i rememered efter posting last time is that I had been using ear pluggs ( my neighbours makes it impossible to sleep otherwise) and I knew this was a really bad thing, cause they are made from PUR poluurethane i think. ( contains isocyanates like the plastic cast i ha a reaction to did. but cotton didnt shut out their jumping around in my seiling kind of noises. i have been using the plugs for months now so i guess i thought they were ok, since i use cloves putting them in and never touch inside of ears with bare hands. but i should have kept in mind that they can start letting go of the isocyanate componds when they get more used...now one of them have seem to have become really cracked an leaving liile pieces behind, almost pulverizing where i has cracked and I hadent noticed that. ( stupid me)
Mad at myself, this might actually be the cause of the reaction now since the polyurethane cast is a higly suspect from three years ago.
Have been, (a bit reluctant to) using a vaseline based ointment on my lips for the past few days, it masks the symtomes for a while so i can take my minf of it, but the moment the ointment is rubbed of the stickyness is there so it hasnt helped really. OLive oil orks too as a masking but not as good but i may change back to that if this does not resolve in a few days. since vaseline as you say clogging the pores.
I did have mercury tested years ago im pretty sure, it was a bloodtest taken on whole blood cells, not serum. so it was supposed to be more accurate. also had hair test. I wasnt high in mercury from that tests. bur very low on potasium and omega 3 s (dha, epa) and cholesterol.
I havnt had any filings in my life until this october.
i had to have four fillings , but i wet to a holistic dentist that gave me temporay fillings with what she say should be completely harmless, it was fosfat (phosphate?) cement. it has to be replaced after a couple of months. Now I am also wondering if it could be the filling letting go of particles that makes me sticky since are only temporay fillings that doesnt last.....but the option had been to do plastic or ionomer cement witch contains alumminium.... I was very scared that I would get sticky in the mouth when she did the fillings, didnt happen, and i thougt it would be fine the to replace them with the same temprary fillings soon, but do you think that it could be affecting now when they are meybe loosening? Maybee i should remove them and ectract all four wisdom teeth... not fun snce i went through probems with the wound from the last ectraction. i lost a lot of ponds ( soon im gonna look like a sceleton) from not beeing able to eat prperly for weeks... I get so emotionally tired of this. Is so disheartening. I wanted to ectract the teeth, just from fear of a filling reaction, had been putting a filling of for years , but now i had to ectract a molar cause the hole had destoyed the tooyh, and she wanted to try and save my wisdomteeth, but had to fill all four of them. cause i may ned to ectract another molar unfortunately.
A visit to my old iris diagnosticer would be a good thing I think. he usually has an idea of witch area the problem is coming from from checking the eyes and face. . maybe he has some thoughts aboth the fosfatecment. the person with the meridian testing i cant find now.. Was it you Lora that asked about the tapping teccnique?
i did that back in the days, but it didnt help with the stickyness. I am thinking about finding a homeopathic remedy for stickyness. cantharis ( spanish flie) helps with bladder infections sometimes for me, for all sorts of burnig sensations, maybe there can be found a plant that causes sticky skin and use as a homeopathic treatment with he homeopatic principle. Even if it doest take away the cause i would be SOOOO glad if i didnt get sticky skin reaction, the rest of my disease, is easier to cope with, allthouth the rest of ME related symtomes are bad. Anyone knowledgeeble in homeopathy? anyone tried frecuency homeopathy such as bicom?
Take care
/ Kacha

December 13, 2011 - 10:25pm
EmpowHER Guest

Lora, here. Kacha, so very sorry you've had a relapse. I hope you're doing better now. I've been wondering how you've been doing. I don't remember if I already asked you (and I'm too lazy to read all previous posts), but did you get tested for mercury in your body? And, if so, how were you tested?

Regarding the lips: My bottom lip is decreased in size. My lips were cracking, peeling, swollen, bleeding - VERY painful. I noticed this expecially after having been outside (aggravated by moisture in air??). A couple weeks ago I came across something suggesting cleaning lips with dish detergent and then coating with vaseline. I was a little leary about using the vaseline, but my lips were so bad I figured it couldn't be worse. So, I have been using just the vaseline and haven't had any problems so far with the cracks. My feeling was that something from my saliva was coating my lips sucking out the moisture. That's what this ugly thing seems to do - sucks my skin dry, but can't use any moisturizer or I get the fluid filled little pimples big time. I'm taking lots of digestive enzymes and probiotics for the digestive problems. Need to get back on the other supplements for adrenals. I don't know.

From the reading I've done, I'm still wondering if this isn't mercury related because mercury poisoning can cause yeast overgrowth (candidas) as the body tries to protect against the mercury. And mercury has a bad effect on the minerals in the body, as well as many other bad effects on various body systems.

My last meridian testing (I think you had the same testing) showed all was well except for the dental meridian. My doctor had me do a urine test where a substance was first administered to pull mercury out if it was there and then measured in my urine. Results showed high levels of mercury (a previous hair analysis test did not show the mercury). I saw a dentist who took an electric reading (don't understand this) of my teeth and one tooth had an extremely high charge showing metals in my mouth or other substances were reacting to each other causing a high current in my mouth. I'm having the crown checked out tomorrow and after I get it out, my doctor is having me do oral chelation to get the mercury out of my body. I hope this will solve all this shit. I'm still sticky - really sticky today, but I ate very poorly over the weekend. I've not been good about not eating yeast and sugar (I have bad yeast overgrowth from blood test). I miss so much the pleasure I used to get from taking a shower or soaking in a bath.

Regarding the hormone relationship: My radiation treatments 8 years ago threw me into menopause. So, I don't know. Maybe your hormones change the body's environment and the ugly sticky demon rears its ugly head in response. I don't know.

To ICKY - Thank you for your response about the testosterone. I will try that avenue next - get my hormonal levels checked.

To All - thank you for your sharing.

December 12, 2011 - 6:58pm
EmpowHER Guest

Kacha agin...Sorry about all the spelling mistakes, hope you will understand the words and context anyway... ask if if you don´t. Am so tired from my M E, just wanted to post the new info anyway... So glad you guys are out there for support!

December 12, 2011 - 12:45pm
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