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Any help for skin that gets sticky when it gets wet?

By July 11, 2009 - 10:13pm
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sticky skin

Three nights ago I noticed that after washing my hands they felt really sticky, almost like when you use the last paper towel on the roll and you get that glue residue on your hands. However, it wasn't the last paper towel so I figured maybe the liquid soap was really old and doing funky things so I rewashed with dish soap and again grabbed a paper towel. Once again, my hands got sticky as I dried them off. Thinking now that there was something wrong with these paper towels, I washed again and this time dried with a hand towel only to yet again find my hands sticky as they dried off. The stickiness only lasts 30-60 seconds, until the skin completely dries, but during that in-between time of soaking wet and totally dry they feel very tacky to the touch and my fingers will actually stick to each other.

The next day when I took a shower I noticed that the water was beading up on the skin on my arms. Sure enough, when I dried off afterwards I found that all of my skin is tacky to the thouch until it is completely air dried.

Today I shaved my legs and my skin felt almost like it had a layer of wax on it that kept catching the razor. The skin on my hands seems to be getting more sticky when they get wet. Water continues to bead on my skin when it gets wet. I asked my children if they can feel that my skin is sticky to the touch and they said yes.

This is affecting all of my skin now, including my face. I always put a moisturizer on my face after washing and it does not feel like my skin is absorbing it now, it just feels heavy and greasy since the lotion just sits there on top. I also tried putting lotion on my hands and it was not absorbed at all, just left my hands feeling very slimy and greasy so I wiped it off.

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this or have any suggestions for what might be causing it? Thanks for any held you can give.

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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

hey i wasn't talking about a sticky residue but more about the fact that since i ve skin problem my clothes as my bedsheet seems to distroy really fast , like it show pilling after three days of sleeping on it, whatever the brand.It's the same for the clothes.
Three year ago my rooomate and me moved in an apartment and worked a lot in it: we removed carpet, glue under it, paint....and we livve in it when we were doing the work. After one week we started to have problem to woke up, pain in the muscles.We lost 15% of our weight in one month.like i was 67 kg ans was 55 after one month. We became really sensible to the cold, we develloped dry skin. Both of us devellop red hot ears after one month and our clothes started show pilling really fast ( ???), clothes we had before for a long time started to look so bad in some weeks.Now we sufered for red hot ears all day long, cold feet and cold hands, itchy skin and dry skin., we can't support anymore when its cold. it's like we are so weak than we can go outside. And we still have this mysterious things of distroyed clothing. the eyes are a bit better.the worst syndrome are red hot ears and that crazy things with our clothes.it's like our skin produce something that is abrasive for the fibers of the material or something sticky. But actually we don't really feel sticky and we don't sweat so much. Feets get sweaty too when they are cold.
Sorry for my english ..Pierre

April 15, 2012 - 9:11pm
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi again. I'm the oxypad guy from earlier lol. I'm looking and feeling much better now. My hands and face and shoulders no longer stick so much, instead I seem to start sweating a lot spontaneously, especially on my hand palms. Weird huh?

I had been feeling fatigued the past month with occasional feeling of chills and shaking sometimes, which is also going away the past couple days. I think it might have had something to do with the change in my skin.


April 16, 2012 - 6:50pm
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

hi there, i've been reading comments for a couple days now. I got hurt at work 2 1/2 years ago. I noticed my hands being sticky a couple years ago. i noticed objects in the kitchen were sticky, salt and pepper shakers, nobs and handles. my first thought was cooking practices of my roommates. maybe cooking with grease and it gets in the air and on things in the kitchen.

I used to have semi rough hands from being a truck driver, but over the past couple years, the roughness has gone away, and i'm callous free. My hands are so sticky when i put them under the kitchen sink. I do this a lot. I feel uncomforatble with anything greasy on my hands so i always rince or wash while making stuff in the kitchen. If i handle food, i at least rince my hands before handling a utensil, so i dont keep re-greasing my hands. I know its a little bit ocd, but only a little.

When i use the computer, which i do a lot these days, i keep washing my hands so my mouse wont get sticky because when sticky gets on stuff it is hard to wash off. I used a baking soda solution to get stick off my kitchen stuff. I also, after washing my hands and dry them, i will pet my dog, as this makes my hands feel smooth and dry. I hunt my dog down after washing my hands, lol, just to get the less sticky feel. when my hands are wet they stick like glue almost. I take anti-inflammitory medicines is all, tramadol. I use head and shoulders shampoo and i drink a sparkling water that has sucralose for sweetener and has patassium benzoate for a preservative. I'm guessing that everything has a form of benzoate in it, thus i'm not willing to think that it is the culprit.

I think it is possible that my change in lifestyle and less work with my hands has somehting to do with it. More sensitive to what i come in contact with. That said, when i use my kitchen sink is where i notice it so much, but i will rince my hands 5 to 10 times while preparing meals. It just seemed that i had a wax covering when the water was coming out of the faucet and i couldn't figure out why it would seem to happen at the kitchen sink, though i rinse a lot in the kitchen because i might only have a fingertip that touched a piece of ham or when i cracked an egg. Always to the sink and so sticky.

I feel that i have a mild form of ocd where i must always have clean hands, but sticky doesn't fit in there. I put in a new hot water heater in about 3 years ago, timeline is right, but i'm guessing it is me and not the water or water heater.

Because of (mild) ocd, I am a creature of habit and eat the same food and do everything the same way. my only changes have been, the anti inflamatory medicine to help pain, i stopped drinking soda and started drinking the sparkling water with sucralose. Sucralose is supposedly not metabolized so becomes a free sweetener and not hurt your body. I would still brush my teeth though and only drink pure water during sleep hours. I was hospitalized once for a PE (pulmonary embolism) and was on blood thinners, but not for the last year and a half. I dont work with my hands like i used to so i dont have any callouses any longer.

another thing i have is when i wake in the morning my throat is parched dry, every morning. and for 7 years or so i've had a tough time swallowing, some days worse and some days not. I'm sorry all, for this long message. I dont sweat a lot but as Summer arrives, i'll pay attention to sweat now. What i dont get is how clueless doctors seem to be. I guess once they know enough not to call it a practice, we'll all be ok.

I'll wet my hands and press them to a doctors face and let them tell me it isn't sticky.

April 17, 2012 - 10:22am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

hey i wasn't talking about a sticky residue but more about the fact that since i ve skin problem my clothes as my bedsheet seems to distroy really fast , like it show pilling after three days of sleeping on it, whatever the brand.It's the same for the clothes.
Three year ago my rooomate and me moved in an apartment and worked a lot in it: we removed carpet, glue under it, paint....and we livve in it when we were doing the work. After one week we started to have problem to woke up, pain in the muscles.We lost 15% of our weight in one month.like i was 67 kg ans was 55 after one month. We became really sensible to the cold, we develloped dry skin. Both of us devellop red hot ears after one month and our clothes started show pilling really fast ( ???), clothes we had before for a long time started to look so bad in some weeks.Now we sufered for red hot ears all day long, cold feet and cold hands, itchy skin and dry skin., we can't support anymore when its cold. it's like we are so weak than we can go outside. And we still have this mysterious things of distroyed clothing. the eyes are a bit better.the worst syndrome are red hot ears and that crazy things with our clothes.it's like our skin produce something that is abrasive for the fibers of the material or something sticky. But actually we don't really feel sticky and we don't sweat so much. Feets get sweaty too when they are cold.
Sorry for my english ..Pierre

April 15, 2012 - 9:11pm
EmpowHER Guest

hi, All,
i was wondering :
- if someone has seen difference in the way their clothes aged since you have that sticky skin?
Also , i was wondering if some of you have problems like , flushing , hot ears, cold feet,...
blurred Vision? sticky eyes? no tears ?
thanks to reply ,

April 15, 2012 - 12:52pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

@ Kacha


I don't really have acne problems but they work great for scrubbing dirt and/or engine oil off my face :p

April 15, 2012 - 7:42pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Thanks! /Kacha

April 15, 2012 - 8:34pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi! Kacha here...

Thaks for a couple of interesting posts. Edward, I like your theories very much. I think you are rigth about the trigger factor If we dont start over completely as you point out it can be nearly impossible to find out.... as you say you were lucky to find your trigger....I feel Im on to something all the time, but yeat to nail the trigger down, cause it might be several chemichal triggers from plastics, glue, rubberadditves, foodadditves, maybbe mold too.
Im thinking that since my first experience with sticky skin was definetely due to a chemichal and it and or the sticky skin was contaigious to other people, maybee there are some substances that would cause almost everyone to react. Other stuff might affect only me but not my partner and so on.
Since december when I got a really bad flare that lasted for a couple of months, I have watched the stckyness come and go a couple times. First i t dissappeared and I got a flare up for two days during my period. dissappeared...then got the symptome back on one hand for a couple of days, that time I think it was because I had held a telephone ( plastic chemicals, again?) in that hand, it seemd to be more of a nasty flare up than that during my period... more like really waxy and sticky. sticker sticky if you know what I mean,and then again had a flare up for a day or two during my period. That stickyness is a little bit more slimy/sugary stickiness, doesnt bug me as much.

The first flare up that lasted longer for a couple of months think the trigger was some sort of chemichal, from getting new products home from IKEA. Plastic componenets and additives is the hottest lead. But i also seem more receptible during my period leading me to think that the status of and hormone balance of the body is involved in this reaction in some way. Maybee a person with a good balaced hormone system and immunesystem doesnt react to the triggers... Maybee thats why I get so many flareups these last years, since Ive gotten worse in my ME ( myalgic ecephalemyelit) condition.

Maybee one way off course is to avoid the triggers, but if its impossible, maybee we can help the body to not react by balancing up hormones, and boost the immunesystem?? May be there are key hormone levels to look out for, as estrogen, but more so cortisole?I All of us get higher in cortisole during stress.....However, I did not have any episodes at all for a couple of years when I worked really hard with my diet and different supplements and antioxidants, qi gong and so on.... Unfortunatlely for me I have a cronic disease that makes those efforts only help to a certain level, as i t seems, and now I when Im really sick I cant keep the sticky skin thing at bay at all.... immune system and hormones maybe involved in the sticky skin reaction, and we all have hormones so why should only women be effected. We have the old report of the sticky skin syndrome ( aquired cutaneous adherance that was caused from people beeing given both cortisone and ketoconazole if you remember the earlier posts about that. So in one way i think Sticky skin syndrome is external trigger caused, but for those of us it happens to alot, would it happen if there wasnt a systemic predisposition too, high or low levels of something important in the glands in the skin?

To the person that reacted to fiberglass resins and stuff, What are oxy pads?? Since I too seem to be triggerd by different chemichlas that may be really tricky to dissolve or rinse of , ( some chemichals are really scary when you think about it, take isocyanes for an instance good luck in avoiding those if you are sensitve...they are one of my suspects and availible in shoes mattrasses alaquer and stuff) Can you explain and maybe the brand name you use on oxy pads?? Im always tring to find info and learn more about solvents, and prefearbly unharmful or natural substanses. Sometimes Im able to get rid of the sticky skin reaction by using a small amount of naphta but since that is toxic i cant used it other than as a last way out and only on a very small area, and sometimes it helps sometimes i dont, depending on the chemichal trigger. Oxy pads seemed like something to check out.
Take care all!

April 15, 2012 - 8:40am
EmpowHER Guest

I also have this problem but as a temporal solution i use powder, it works very very good. U guys should try it because it works right away :)

April 14, 2012 - 1:04pm

I actually thought that this may caused by hormone imbalances... However, the presence of men on the board with the same issues would prove otherwise... Thank goodness. I can deal with changing my diet and lifestyle. I can't mess with my own hormones LOL!

February 22, 2012 - 4:22pm
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