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Tips To Find An Alternative Medicine Doctor - HER Health Minute

By EmpowHER
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In this edition of EmpowHER's "HER Health Minute", Missy Anderson shares some tips to help women find an alternative medicine doctor.

Missy Anderson: Hi! I am Missy Anderson and this is ‘HER Health Minute’.

Many of you might be curious about alternative medicine. Like me, maybe you have tried acupuncture or supplements, or maybe you have attended a yoga class to help with a medical condition, but how do you find a good alternative medicine doctor?

The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, The National Center for Homeopathy, and the American Holistic Medical Association are good places to start. Personally, I also ask my friends for referrals.

Once you have the referral, consider the doctor’s education, experience, licenses and advanced training expertise. Other factors in your decision could be cost and what does insurance cover.

I always suggest interviewing the doctor to see if they are a good fit for your healthcare needs. Be sure to also ask what to expect on your first visit and if additional tests or blood work may be required.

I am Missy Anderson. This has been a ‘HER Health Minute’, and remember - change begins with you.

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