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Who is Susceptible to Vaginal Sagging (Prolapse)?

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The medical website, WebMd, defines vaginal prolapse as when the upper portion of the vagina loses its normal shape and sags or drops down into the vaginal canal or even outside of the vagina. There are several conditions that can increase the risk of this occurring.

One condition that increases this risk would be the prolapse of the bladder (cystocele). Even further, there are other similar conditions that may speed this ailment along such as the prolapse of the urethra (urethocele), rectum (rectocele) or even the small bowel (enterocele). There are cases, however, when the vagina collapses on its own. Why? Doctors have pinpointed the cause to be a loss in strength in the tissues and muscles, particularly ones located in the pelvic and vaginal area.

But who is most susceptible? This condition presents itself most with women who have had a hysterectomy. They may experience pelvic heaviness, backaches, a mass bulging into the vaginal canal as well as out of the vagina. This can make it very hard to walk or even stand as indicated by WebMd. Lastly, some suffer from incontinence or vaginal bleeding.

What Can Be Done?

Surgery is a very successful way of dealing with vaginal prolapse. There are different types of surgical approaches. One main factor in the type of surgery chosen by your doctor will depend on your medical situation. And even though this surgery is very successful overall, there are still risks and complications. For some, only part of their symptoms disappears. Some symptoms, such as incontinence, are made worse in other individuals. Needless to say, in order to have the best results possible after surgery, it is best to take certain measures like:

Avoid smoking
Maintain a healthy weight
Try to avoid constipation
Do not engage in strenuous activities – heavy lifting or standing for a long time

Best in Health!

Resource: WebMd

Dita Faulkner loves to write and assist underprivileged children.

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