I am 11 weeks pregnant and until today have just had nausea but not actually vomited. Is it unusual that I have vomited in my 11th week? Could it be something other than morning sickness? I don't ...
I have missed my period this month but I'm not pregnant. I definitely felt a pain in my left side around day 14 of my cycle. Is it possible that I ovulated and didn't get my period or could the ...
I am trying to get pregnant and I came off the pill in march. I came on as normal that month then 28 days later had another period. Now it is May and I have not come on. I am not pregnant although ...
I am trying to get pregnant so I have been off the pill for a couple of months now and I'm in the middle of my second cycle. From around day 14 of both cycles I have felt pain around my left ovay ...
I recently came off the pill as I am trying to get pregnant. I have been off the pill for around three weeks and have noticed a creamy white discharge. After having looked at many articles on the ...
I came off the pill about 3 weeks ago and I have gained around 7lbs. Is this normal? I read that weight gain can be associated with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. As I'm trying to get pregnant I'm a ...
I recently came off the pill as I am trying to get pregnant. I have been off the pill for around three weeks and have noticed a creamy white discharge. After having looked at many articles on the ...
I recently came off the pill as I am trying to get pregnant. I have been off the pill for around three weeks and have noticed a creamy white discharge. After having looked at many articles on the ...
KWootton commented on KWootton's post Trying to get pregnant and confused about Vaginal Mucus