I had my first nodule in 07 told all levels fine by 08 was size of a egg had it removed still told for 2 yrs that all levels fine even though I had every symptom of hypothyroidism finally in 10 ...
I have had crps for 10yrs from a IV which is one in a million chance this will happen I also have uncotrollable hypothyroidism in 08 and half thyroid removed from swelling of thyroid then had ...
I have had crps for 10yrs from a IV which is one in a million chance this will happen I also have uncotrollable hypothyroidism in 08 and half thyroid removed from swelling of thyroid then had ...
I had my first nodule in 07 told all levels fine by 08 was size of a egg had it removed still told for 2 yrs that all levels fine even though I had every symptom of hypothyroidism finally in 10 ...
in june of 2001 i went to the ER for kidney stones and ended up with crps from the IV which is a one in a million chancwe this will happen because this is the worse way to get crps because it ...
my health problems all started when in 01 i went to the er for kidney stones and ended up with crps caused from an iv. since then i have had a complete hysterectomy had half my thyroid removed and ...
my health problems all started when in 01 i went to the er for kidney stones and ended up with crps caused from an iv. since then i have had a complete hysterectomy had half my thyroid removed and ...
Complex regional pain syndrome, abbreviated as CRPS, is defined by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) as a chronic pain condition that stems from problems with the ...
i have just been told that all my adrenals are low my hormones and my thyroid i am already on thyroid meds and had a hysterectomy at 40 i have never been on any hrt i also have rsd, ...
I had my first nodule in 07 told all levels fine by 08 was size of a egg had it removed still told for 2 yrs that all levels fine even though I had every symptom of hypothyroidism finally in 10 ...
jonestra commented on jonestra's post thyroid nodules