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thyroid nodules

By December 7, 2011 - 4:07pm

I had my first nodule in 07 told all levels fine by 08 was size of a egg had it removed still told for 2 yrs that all levels fine even though I had every symptom of hypothyroidism finally in 10 was given medicine i felt normal for 3 months then back to horrible now it is end of 11 and have nodule on other side and ot is growing also hoarse for 3 months hopefully have it removed and then see if I do better with total thyroidectomy cannot be any worse than I amby the way i also have reflex sympathetic dystrophy,adrenal fatigue,fibro and parry-romberg syndrome please let me know if you think total thyroidectomy will help my body to quit fighting itself

By December 9, 2011 - 11:45am

We will definitely keep you in our prayers!

At this point, it may be a gamble but removing the thyroid may help. I certainly don't advocate removing body parts, but if you are going to continue to have nodules growing maybe it would help?

Since I am not a doctor, of course my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt. Do the doctors think that this will help? Are there any concerns that you have if you did remove it completely?

I am very sorry that the relief only lasted three months, but at least you know that somehow, some way you may be able to get back to that!

Best Regards,

December 9, 2011 - 11:45am
By December 9, 2011 - 10:46am

I have been on armour,synthroid had steroid to help adrenal and then I have been on a compunded t3/t4 I never had my antibodies checked until 2010 and they always come back negative I think that because the RSD has attacked my organs taking it out we hope will help any relif will be better I was a person even with all my RSD pain syill did quite a lot now I do nothing I hurt to just put my feet on the ground I gain 6 pounds in 3 days but when the medicine is working I lose weight also last summer I was doing water aerobics twice a week and people who had seen me the first part of the year said I looked like a new person it lasted a whole 3 months I new right when something was wrong and went to see endo who said the nodule is growing it should be shrinking I have been hoarse for 3 months about the same time I started to get to feeling worse so my story is so complicated with all that I have so please keep me in your prayers I can always use that


December 9, 2011 - 10:46am
By December 8, 2011 - 11:33pm

First thing to ask here is back when you had the first nodule did they ever test you for any thyroid antibodies? As for the fighting itself, I would want to know why first, and then how. :) Also, which thyroid medication were you put on back in 2010? And what was your dosage?

I am sorry to hear of all you have been through. Some of us have only a few things to deal with, while others seem to get bombarded with something new just about every month!

I have heard from other thyroid patients that this or that cleared up once they had their thyroid removed, but keep in mind each person is different. And just because they remove it with surgery doesn't mean there may be no more thyroid problems. Finding a euthroid state with medication is not easy, and for some it can takes years of tweaking medications to get there.

Keep us posted, as I am interested to hear what they have tried.

Best Regards,


December 8, 2011 - 11:33pm

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To explore and discuss the different treatments available for thyroid disorders, and to connect to and learn from other sufferers of the impact the thyroid can have on your everyday life.


Rockford, IL


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