Dr. Legato shares the best way for women to advocate for their health at the doctor's office.
Dr. Legato:
I think that women should go to a doctor’s office prepared for the interview with a list of questions they want to ask, with, if this is the first visit, a good family history available for the doctor, namely what diseases did either parent and the families of either parents have, a clear idea of what they expect from their physician, and above all, don’t over talk. Keep to the point; answer the questions directly.
If at the end of the interview you are not satisfied with or the patient is not satisfied with the answers or the attention that has been given to her, verbalize that and see if you can't wrap up the interview by asking for answers that you need.
About Dr. Legato:
Dr. Marianne J. Legato is an internationally known academic physician, author, lecturer and specialist in women's health. She is a Professor of Clinical Medicine at Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons and the Founder and Director of the Partnership for Women’s Health at Columbia University. She is also an Adjunct Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins Medical School. Dr. Legato founded the Partnership for Women's Health at Columbia University in 1997. It is the first collaboration between academic medicine and the private sector focused solely on gender-specific medicine: the science of how normal human biology differs between men and women and of how the diagnosis and treatment of disease differs as a function of gender. Dr. Legato has received many awards for her leadership role in women's health.
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