Dr. Legato shares if nicotine addictions are more profound in women.
Dr. Legato:
Yes, women are more profoundly addicted to nicotine than are men, and it is therefore harder for them to give up smoking. It’s also hard for them to give up smoking because many of them use it as a way to control weight, and it’s like the diabetic women who refuse to take their insulin a week or a month before an important event in an effort to lose weight. They will use this rather noxious, definitely noxious, habit in order to control weight, but on the other hand their addiction to nicotine is more profound.
It’s also an interesting thing that women like the appurtenances of cigarette, cigarette holder, cigarette case. They find that it’s something to do with their hands in conversation, and I think that all of these things conspire to make smoking harder for women to give up than men.
About Dr. Legato:
Dr. Marianne J. Legato is an internationally known academic physician, author, lecturer and specialist in women's health. She is a Professor of Clinical Medicine at Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons and the Founder and Director of the Partnership for Women’s Health at Columbia University. She is also an Adjunct Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins Medical School. Dr. Legato founded the Partnership for Women's Health at Columbia University in 1997. It is the first collaboration between academic medicine and the private sector focused solely on gender-specific medicine: the science of how normal human biology differs between men and women and of how the diagnosis and treatment of disease differs as a function of gender. Dr. Legato has received many awards for her leadership role in women's health.
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