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Create Wellness During the Menopausal Transition

By Expert Blogger
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Many women begin their journey toward menopause long before they reach 50.

Some of the symptoms of perimenopause begin to manifest in the 40s. These symptoms can be warm flashes, menstrual irregularity, weight gain, hair loss, dry skin, decreased libido, increasing fatigue, increasingly disturbed sleep, increased body hair, increased premenstrual tension such as moodiness, breast tenderness and constipation. By addressing these symptoms early on, you can balance your body's endocrine system and prevent major health issues associated with menopause.

While it was once common to attempt to replace hormonal deficiencies with synthetic hormones, it is no longer the gold standard for menopausal treatment. There are alternatives that can be as effective without the increased risk of breast cancer, coronary heart disease, and stroke. Even with severe symptoms of menopause, many women have chosen to tolerate the symptoms rather than have hormonal replacement therapy (HRT). There are things you can do to improve these symptoms by examining and improving four aspects of your life: exercise, dietary intake, sleep patterns and stress level.

However, symptoms such as loss of mental clarity, moodiness and vaginal dryness can be debilitating and difficult to ignore. Many women come to Tao of Wellness seeking an alternative that will take into account their specific needs and conditions. Our approach comes from the understanding of total wellness of your body and spirit, including genetic tendencies, current health status, symptoms, and lifestyle. Our goal is not merely to help you deal with your symptoms, but also to encourage wellness and to slow down the aging process.

When we see you for the first time to deal with your perimenopausal symptoms, we have often found we are not simply addressing symptoms of menopause. Many perimenopausal women have menstrual irregularities, uterine fibroids, or other issues that respond poorly to hormonal interventions. Our advice frequently includes life-style modification, dietary guidance, and Chinese medicinal herbs and therapies. The key to a smooth menopausal transition is to become aware of subtle changes in your body, taking care of them before the symptoms become acute.

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Expert HERWriter Guide Blogger

Glad to see that you've taken on the myth that menopause only affects women after the age of 50. I know several women who entered perimenopause in their 30's and 40's yet were reluctant to seek medical support because they had been "told" they were too young. Wellness is a lifelong goal, no matter one's age or stage of life. Thanks for this very helpful information.

September 29, 2009 - 6:34pm
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