Dr. Christensen shares how she creates a hormonal balance for women.
Dr. Christensen:
I work on creating hormonal balance by really looking at the whole woman and not just looking at her lab values,; for example, estrogens, progesterone, and testosterone, but also looking at dietary influences, nutritional influences, the amount of stress in your life, and I always begin by assessing how well is a woman’s gastrointestinal system working because, believe it or not, that is where all the hormonal balance is occurring, primarily in the liver, and it is markedly influenced by the gastrointestinal tract. That means by what you eat and the nutrients that you do or do not have in your life. So I start with that piece and then I really want to assess the amount of stress and emotional, psychological, and spiritual issues that a woman is dealing with, because that markedly influences our adrenal system, our stress immune response. Those adrenal hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, a lot of people have heard of those hormones, markedly influence your estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone levels. So, you also have to look at thyroid function because the thyroid gland itself creates all kinds of interactions with the sex hormones. So, it is important when creating hormonal balance that you are not just looking at one area but looking at the global picture of a woman:, her diet, her nutrients, what is she doing to take care of herself; as well as what is going on with the other hormones in her body.
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