How stressed are you?
The statements below are arranged in groups of three. Select one answer which best reflects your situation, and circle the corresponding point value. When finished, examine your score interpretation at the bottom of the page. Please keep in mind that this is a general assessment of your stress levels. Further and more in-depth assessment may be obtained from your health care or mental health care provider.
I handle changes with ease.
- Most of the time - 1
- Some of the time - 5
- Rarely - 10
I take time for myself.
- Most of the time - 1
- Some of the time - 5
- Rarely - 10
I have stress-related symptoms (i.e. - headache, racing
heart, cold hands or feet, inability to concentrate).
- Most of the time - 10
- Some of the time - 5
- Rarely - 1
My family is very supportive.
- Most of the time - 1
- Some of the time - 5
- Rarely - 10
My work is satisfying.
- Most of the time - 1
- Some of the time - 5
- Rarely - 10
I have trouble sleeping.
- Most of the time - 10
- Some of the time - 5
- Rarely - 1
I feel good about myself.
- Most of the time - 1
- Some of the time - 5
- Rarely - 10
I'm a perfectionist
- Most of the time - 10
- Some of the time - 5
- Rarely - 1
I tend to look on the bright side of life.
- Most of the time - 1
- Some of the time - 5
- Rarely - 10
I'm able to talk about my feelings.
- Most of the time - 1
- Some of the time - 5
- Rarely - 10
I get impatient and irritable with other
- Most of the time - 10
- Some of the time - 5
- Rarely - 1
I limit my intake of fat, cholesterol and junk
- Most of the time - 1
- Some of the time - 5
- Rarely - 10
I smoke.
- Yes - 10
- No - 1
I engage in 30 minute (or longer) sessions of
moderate or rigorous exercise.
- At least four times per week - 1
- Three times per week - 5
- Less than three times per week - 10
I have conflicts with others.
- Most of the time - 10
- Some of the time - 5
- Rarely - 1
I get sick, especially with colds.
- More than three times per year -10
- Between two and three times per year - 5
- Less than twice a year - 1
I'm happy with my social life.
- Most of the time - 1
- Some of the time - 5
- Rarely - 10
I'm happy with where I live.
- Most of the time - 1
- Some of the time - 5
- Rarely - 10
I'm happy with my partner (or with the fact that
I don't have a partner).
- Most of the time - 1
- Some of the time - 5
- Rarely - 10
I'm a forgiving person.
- Most of the time - 1
- Some of the time - 5
- Rarely - 10
I drink caffeinated coffee and/or tea.
- Several times a day - 10
- Once a day - 5
- Rarely or never - 1
I have a drink of alcohol (one drink equals 1.5
oz. of spirits; 5 oz. of wine, or 12 oz. of beer)
- Five or more times per day - 10
- Three to four times per day - 5
- Two times per day or less, rarely, or never - 1
I feel overwhelmed by all that I have to do.
- Most of the time - 10
- Some of the time - 5
- Rarely - 1
I feel calm and relaxed.
- Most of the time - 1
- Some of the time - 5
- Rarely - 10
I have several good friends I can count on.
- Most of the time - 1
- Some of the time - 5
- Rarely - 10
Total points ____
25–50 | You are doing an excellent job managing your stress. In general, you are relaxed, happy and satisfied with your life. Keep up the great work. |
51–85 | You are doing a very good job of managing stress. You are positive about your life and have a moderate level of stress. There are a few areas where you may wish to improve. |
86–100 | You are doing a good job of managing your stress. You may have a few stress symptoms, and some areas of frustration. You could benefit from some stress reduction interventions. |
101–150 | You are probably experiencing some stress symptoms that could become a threat to your body, mental health, relationships and work. You need to make some changes to reduce the amount of stress in your life. |
151–200 | Your score indicates a high level of stress - most likely chronic stress. A score in this range represents dissatisfaction with key areas of life which could put you at a high risk of developing a stress-related illness. You need to take immediate action to reduce your stress. |
201–250 | You are burning out. A score in this range is an indication of excessive and very unhealthy levels of stress. Seek immediate help. |
Developed by Amy C. Scholten, MPH for HealthGate
Please be aware that this information is provided to supplement the care provided by your physician. It is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. CALL YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER IMMEDIATELY IF YOU THINK YOU MAY HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
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