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U.S. Task Force Urges Docs to Screen for Depression in Teens

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Primary care doctors should routinely screen adolescents, ages 12 to 18, for major depression, says the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. The benefits of screening outweigh any risks if doctors can assure accurate diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, according to the task force.

That's a change from 2002, when the task force concluded there wasn't sufficient evidence to recommend or oppose screening for adolescents. The task force said there's still not enough evidence to make a recommendation about depression screening for children ages 7 to 11, USA Today reported.

In an article in the journal Pediatrics, the task force noted that questionnaires can accurately identify depression in adolescents, and that there's new evidence that therapy and/or some antidepressants can help depressed teens. They emphasized the need for careful monitoring, because it's been shown that antidepressants can increase suicidal behavior in teens.

About 1 in 20 teens suffers depression, which is associated with lower grades, more physical illness, increased drug use, and early pregnancy, USA Today reported.

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EmpowHER Guest

go here stop all the lies... http://www.cchr.org

April 10, 2009 - 3:16am
EmpowHER Guest

Depression screening has vested interests:
Studies reveal that screening has a very high false-positive rate (labelling children who are not depressed and saying they are).

My question is: What did we do for the last hundreds of years that this is just now an "epidemic"? How is it that until the last 10 years this wasn't even recognized as a situation? How did BILLIONS of teens throughout history ever survive without all this screening, diagnosing and treatment? What has changed in our lives that makes this an epidemic now? Wouldn't addressing THAT issue bring a resolve?

I highly doubt that all those teens are suffering from a disorder of their brain! Maybe those vested interests are what has changed to bring about this "epidemic".

Make no mistake about it, drugging IS the number 1 choice of treatment. Do you know that when psychiatrists were surveyed it was found that the "treatment" for 9 out of 10 of the children is drugging? And that rarely is a child put on just one drug - it is usually two or more. Do you know that according to surveys/studies that a regular pediatrician is MORE likely to prescribe a drug than therapy?

And WHY is big government being allowed to put their noses into my families health? Since when does the government know BETTER than me what is best for my child? Who elected them to be the parent?

And in case you think you, as a parent, will have choices think again - the paperwork and forms that you DON'T see have a checkbox that the screener fills out that looks like this:
If the student’s screening indicated a problem;
Did you notify parents? Yes No
Provide a reference? Yes No
Did parents agree to follow up? Yes No
If Yes, did they do so in a timely and appropriate manner? Yes No
If No, did you notify DHS (child services)? Yes No

Our rights as parents are being eroded under the guise of "help". Our tax dollars are paying for this invasion. Our state's Medicaid's are going broke over the prescribing practices and the costs. Think those statements are alarmist and "right wing" or whatever? Then do the research and see for yourself!

It is not impossible to look at individual state records and find out the costs of these drugs and the amount of money being dumped into screening. It is not hard to see what these escalating costs are doing to state's budgets. It is easy to find the vested interests behind all this mental health and depression screening. All the documented information is on the internet.

WHO BENEFITS? Follow the money

March 30, 2009 - 10:26pm
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