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Familial Tremors Causes & Risks


The cause of ET is unknown. However, it does run in families. When inherited, it is often called familial tremor. Children of parents with ET have a 50% chance of inheriting the condition.

In cases where there is no family history of tremor, other factors, such as toxins, may play a role, though this is far from clear. It is thought that essential tremor arises from abnormalities of specific circuits in the brain. This is an area that researchers are studying.

The Nervous System

Nervous system posterior 3D
Benign essential tremor occur when faulty nerve cells (or circuits) in the brain send abnormal signals to muscles.
© 2009 Nucleus Medical Art, Inc.

Risk Factors

Family history of tremors is the only known risk factor for ET. Although the condition may occur at any age, it is more likely to occur in people older than 40 years old.

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