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what does plan b do to your period?

By August 7, 2010 - 7:46pm
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i had sex the day after my period ended. july 4th, i took the plan b pill on 6th. a couple of days later i started bleeding and it was as heavy and lasted around 5 days. i'm supposed to have started on the 1st, but it's now the 7th and i've not started yet. is this normal?

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EmpowHER Guest

Hi Anonymous,
If you are feeling cramps, that is a common sign of your period. We cannot say for sure that your period will begin since as mentioned you are more than likely going to experience irregular periods for the next couple cycles. Hope this helps.

April 10, 2011 - 10:04am
EmpowHER Guest

I used it the time around my period friday 30 min after. I havent started yet. Im feeling menstrual cramps. Does this mean im goin to get it soon?

April 9, 2011 - 12:19pm

Can you read the instructions that came with your Plan B? It should say that Plan B side effects can cause irregular menstrual cycles (for a cycle, maybe two).

It is normal for your cycle to be irregular, and you may have to wait to know when your regular menstrual cycle will begin again.

Let us know if you have any additional questions.

August 8, 2010 - 12:17pm
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