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TMJ problem, my jaw is clicking and crunching?!

By Anonymous February 10, 2014 - 8:30am
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my jaw started to grating or crunching a few months ago and i made a CT scan it was fine then i wore a splint which made that crunching noises disappears just in one night! i was really happy but i knew that my jaw still clicks and i started to test my jaw much instead of relaxing it which made my muscles to hurt a lot and made the crunching noises to be back again after an "specific click" not the same click that i hear when i open my mouth wide!

and then again wearing the splint for one night and the crunching is gone but it keeps coming back after that specific click and i keep testing my jaw

by the way that clicking and crunching is not painful but the crunching makes me sure that there's something wrong inside cause the muscles hurt and it gives me headaches and im also suffering from tinnitus for 5 years and neck pain lately:/
im seeing an osteopathic doctor and she told me that she will be help to fix my posture which will lead to a successful tmj treatment, so please tell me what do u think? does my joint is damaged? can it be healed ?

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