I have a knot that is VERY sensitive to the touch on the left side of the base of my skull. There is nothing on my scalp, so I know that it is internal. It burns and my scalp tingles in that area almost making my scalp itch, but I cant touch it. I have recently been sick with a sinus infection and was told I may have an infection in my sinuses on the back of my head. It is really painful.
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I have a similar problem which is why I asked about sinus' which lead me to you. The pain at the base of my skull is intense, especially when I bend down or even sit down. I have a cold (the 4th one in 2 months) but never had pain in this area before and a continuous headache full stop. I've went to the doctor two weeks ago and bloods came back normal to infection, although this cold only hit me two days ago. Please help as I feel the docs think I'm a nuisance!
January 21, 2011 - 9:07amAngie
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Did you ever get a diagnosis or help?
October 7, 2017 - 8:16amThis Comment
I've been experiencing the same type of pain and getting no help from doctors or results from blood tests that diagnose anything. One doctor suggested that I may have had a virus that caused the dizziness, and if so, it will never go away. Helpful - not. Another doctor suggested that the projectile vomiting that came at the beginning of the problems, may have forced fluid into my deep inner ear and be causing the dizziness, earaches and earache. So fair, no diagnosis and no help. I've started taking Amoxicillin as someone I know was cured of a deep inner earache with this antibiotic. I'm doing this because, so far, do doctor has been able to help me and I'm getting desperate after 3 months. Anybody have suggestions?
September 14, 2014 - 3:38pmThis Comment
Did your doctor determine whether you had a sinus infection or provide you with anything to treat your sinus infection or give you any advice on this? Sinus issues can cause severe headaches, and even colds can result in bad ones too. Here's some information to help: http://www.american-rhinologic.org/patientinfo.headache.phtml
January 21, 2011 - 5:58pmThis Comment
Hi Pat,
Thank you for replying, I went to out of hours doctors this morning and was diagnosed with having sinus infection and am now taking Augmentin 625mg and pain killers.
January 22, 2011 - 4:53pmHopefully tomorrow I will feel more human.
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Anon - So glad you took those steps to take care of your health!! I've had some horrible sinus headaches in the past, and appreciate how bad you must feel right now. There are some things you can do to help with the headaches, which I found on Web M.D. Sure hope you are feeling back to your normal self soon! Pat
January 23, 2011 - 1:08pm* Apply an ice pack to the painful area of your head. Try placing it on your forehead, temples, or the back of your neck.
* Take a warm bath or shower; take a nap; or take a walk.
* Ask someone to rub your neck and back, or treat yourself to a massage.
* Apply gentle, steady rotating pressure to the painful area of your head with your index finger and/or thumb. Maintain pressure for seven to 15 seconds, then release. Repeat as needed.
* Rest, sit, or lie quietly in a low-lit room. Close your eyes and try to release the tension in your back, neck, and shoulders.
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Thank you for those tips, I will certainly keep hold of them just in case of any future problems, athough I really hope I will never need them again. My first sinus headache, which is still present but less severe, and hopefully my last one! Sympathy to you if you suffer a lot with them.
January 23, 2011 - 4:42pmThank you very much for your time & care in helping me.
Take care,
Andrea :o)
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I have acute chronic sinus infections average 8 a year. My catscan showed by bones on right side extremely large and infection was found in the back of my skull. Dr said a puss sack and could have been there the whole 20 years I have had this awaul painful issue but never said what to do about that. Sinus surgery was offered but dr said not much chance my headaches would go away because of my C5=C6 dics ruptures. Not sure if I should go through the surgery. But then ask me on a day (many( when I am in SO MUCH pain I say I wish someone would either shoot morpine into my head or open it up.
January 24, 2013 - 1:34amThis Comment
While there are no sinus cavities in the base of the skull, it is a reflexology point for the sinuses. The eye nerve is also a reflexology point in that area. So if you have a sinus infection, more than likely that will be very tender, esp if it's making your eyes swollen & tender. I hope this helps. :)
February 3, 2013 - 12:01pmThis Comment