I have a knot that is VERY sensitive to the touch on the left side of the base of my skull. There is nothing on my scalp, so I know that it is internal. It burns and my scalp tingles in that area almost making my scalp itch, but I cant touch it. I have recently been sick with a sinus infection and was told I may have an infection in my sinuses on the back of my head. It is really painful.
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Did it work and what exactly did they do in the surgery?
November 7, 2014 - 11:16amThis Comment
I had a sinus wash it seems to have worked a treat and after another couple of courses of anti biotics I'm on the mend
November 11, 2014 - 11:02amThis Comment
I have an extreme sinus infection that I have had for a long time with out knowing it. I have been sick all winter and placed in the hospital twice for observation without anyone figuring out what was wrong with me. My symptoms were dizziness, nausea ,pain at the base of my scull, spinal pain, dry mouth,nose,eyes and throat and hot flashes. Also pain along the top of my head along with pressure and my head feeling very heavy. I was also tiered all the time. They finally found it when they did an MRI something my doctor scheduled two months earlier and the insurance company would not allow. I just finished my first round of antibiotics a week ago and the symptoms are already starting to come back. I am scheduled for a CAT scan next week and another doctors appointment to see were we go next. I believe this all started with a root canal I had a year ago. I hope that this might help someone who might have the same problem. I was sure that what ever was wrong with me was killing me because I kept getting worse and they couldn't seem to figure it out.
April 25, 2014 - 6:41pmThis Comment
Hello I was wondering if your problem ever resolved. Mine is very similar. I think I have some sort bad sinus infection, comes back after antibiotics, feel like I'm never gonna get better and no one can figure this out. Also happened after dental work. I have. Bad taste in mouth as well.
June 4, 2017 - 6:07amThis Comment
Same symptoms!!! Miserable and I feel like it's never going to go away. Did you ever find what The cause was or how to fix it ?
October 7, 2017 - 8:22amThis Comment
Did you have the mucus with the other symptoms? I feel exactly as you described, tired, aching from base of my skull down my back, my eyes ache and I'm so tired. I don't have thick mucus all of the time, in fact it's mostly dry. But I feel like hell. I I've felt this way for about a week and a half.
December 30, 2014 - 6:20amThis Comment
I too have had these same symtoms. I recently had a ct scan and was told my mastoid sinus were clear. But the base of my skull if I press on a certain spot I get dizzy also I can almost feel fluid there. I curious as to how you got rid of this?
October 4, 2014 - 6:02amThis Comment
I just went to my sinus specialist for this very thing - a headache that was really intense, but especially large painful lumps on the back of my skull.
February 14, 2013 - 7:28pmThis Comment
While we do not have cavities or sinuses in the back of the head, we do have lymph nodes. Sounds like your Suboccipital lymph node was quite irritated and it's good you got that taken care of.
June 28, 2011 - 6:07pmThis Comment
chriscourt2 - We do not have sinus cavities at the base of the skull or the back of our heads. The sinuses are hollow cavities in the skull that have openings into the nose.
Each sinus is named for the bone in which it is located:
* Maxillary (one sinus located in each cheek)
* Ethmoid (approximately 6-12 small sinuses per side, located between the eyes)
* Frontal (one sinus per side, located in the forehead)
* Sphenoid (one sinus per side, located behind the ethmoid sinuses, near the middle of the skull)
I would urge you to see your healthcare professional to determine what this is and get relief from the pain. There could be many causes, including an infection, swollen lymph nodes, muscle tightness and more. This isn't something you should try to diagnose and treat on your own. Please let us know what you learn, and we hope you're feeling better soon.
Take care,
December 27, 2010 - 7:27pmPat
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