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I am 24yrs old. I got polio @ my 1@1/2 yr old. Now i m getting massage therapy. please help me to get details of stemcell treatment and is it costly treatment, because i m from poor family.
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hi my name is vol chan, i live in canada, i am 48 yrs old, i had polio since i was 2 years old, imy polio one leg slim and short 2 inch long, the other is normal size, i live normal live, no pain in my leg, i realy don't know now year 2014 in this world realy have medicine like stem cell post internet can treatment my leg or not, some one have exprienced to tell me, and email to me the information, money is no subject for me.
February 17, 2014 - 11:37pmp/s i know out there having alot scam information, be carefull
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Dear Susan,
I am also affected by post polio syndrom, but situation is not so worse, manageable, only afraid will it deteriorate. for stem cell treatment in india, I understand the following hospital does.
Chaitanya Stem Cell Center is a part of Chaitanya Hospital New Delhi
September 26, 2012 - 9:32amDr Bagul Anant
+91 808 7799 092 or +91 9011 111 222.
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