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Starting birth control

By June 17, 2020 - 3:01pm
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I’m bleeding a week after an EC so I’m not sure if that is my normal period or breakthrough bleeding, however I do wish to start trying a method of birth control. I just started to bleed today if I start birth control today would it would be effective one time?

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HERWriter Guide

Hello amandasingh09

Thank you for writing!

You don't say what method of birth control you are talking about.

I don't know what you mean by "would it would be effective one time?" - do you mean would it be effective straight away? Condoms - yes. Regular birth control pills - no. And you need a prescription for the pills.

If you want to go on b.c. pills, my advice is to wait until you stop bleeding and then start with the birth control pills. Use condoms until you have been on the Pill for at least 5 days.


June 17, 2020 - 3:07pm
(reply to SusanC)

If I start it while I’m bleeding would that be bad ?

June 17, 2020 - 9:32pm
(reply to SusanC)

Sorry I didn’t specify, It’s birth control pills I plan to start
And I wanted to know if I started it now if I would be protected right away. Because I read somewhere online that if I started it within 5 days after my period that I’d be protected one time
So I wanted to know if that was true considering how I’m bleeding now and want to start now

June 17, 2020 - 3:18pm
HERWriter Guide (reply to amandasingh09)

Hi again!

I still don't understand the concept of being protected "one time" in terms of birth control pills. Do you mean "immediately"? Once you are protected, you remain protected until you stop taking them for good. You are still protected if you have a 21 day pack and take the 7 day break.

Regardless, you can start your pills now but you will not be protected until you have been taking pills for at least 5 days or more. Give it 10 days to be sure. Just use a condom in the meantime. Normally you should wait until the day your bleeding stops. What's the hurry?!

June 18, 2020 - 9:20am
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Birth Control

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