my dauter aged thity nine had apolio when she wasof one half old. She had peralisis practically affecting the all the skeliton muscle of the body. will the help of physiotherapy she recovered to the tune of walking with bilateral calipures on right side full length calipure and left with below knee calipars. She continual with this when she was of about 25 years then she gradually left a calipers and at present she is a wheelchair. Please guide us whether any type of treatment is availble in india or not.
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It's obvious that you are a good and loving mother who really wants to help her daughter. I hope that you shal find a way to do so, especially as it seems difficult for polio patients to keep in the focus of doctors and social authorities who see the disease as something of the past. Best of luck to both of you.
June 24, 2012 - 11:19pmThis Comment