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Period? withdrawl bleeding? pregnant?

By February 24, 2010 - 9:59am
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hello everyone my last monthly period was feb 28th my cycle ranges from 30-33days. i was expected to ovulate january 12. i am 18 going 19 i had sex for the very first time on sunday 7th of February at around 9pm unfortunately and regretfully it was unprotected. He pulled out and ejaculated outside of me but i was worried at pre ejaculation even though he urinated before. the next day i took plan B at around 2pm and took the next pill at 6pm (i was to wait 12 hours between but i didnt) so scared that i took it wrong i went bk to the rx on wednesday and got another pack and took the first pill at 12 noon. my boyfriend tried having unprotected sex with me again but this was for like abt 20seconds. i took the 2nd pill at 12 midnight. the following week thursday i got some brown bleeding which the next day got pink then red then heavier. this lasted till today. 5-6 days which is the normal time for ma period. i took a pregnancy test yesterday clear blue and it was negative i know it is early to test but i did i will test again next week wednesday. i was expected to get ma period this saturday normally. my questions are is this ma period that came early or withdrawl bleeding? did plan b work? what are the changes of pregnancy? and if this is withdrawl bleeding and i expected to get ma period this week again? where am i gettn that much blood from?

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Thank u so much. God bless you. well i do not want to continue having sex i just think i should wait until marriage honestly. I spoke to him seriously abt it
and he is willing to try. He was telln me it is what he is use to in relationships to always have sex so it different with me ad he is willing to try. i just want to get back ma regular periods a month and get back to my normal self i am here worrying abt pregnancy...

February 25, 2010 - 5:25pm


I'm so sorry you felt pressured to have sex. That's just not right. It happens all the time in relationships between young men and women, but it's still not right. No one should be pressured to have sex before they are ready.

Do you feel that this pressure is going to continue? Does your boyfriend know that you didn't want to have sex and he pressured you into it anyway?

Let me be really clear. If you feel that you would like to continue having sex with him now, there is nothing wrong with that. But if you feel like you would like to stop having sex now, then there is nothing wrong with that, either. You can still be celibate until 21, if that is your desire. The fact that he pushed himself on you is sad, but it doesn't have to mean that you have sex constantly now if you don't want to.

Do you love this boyfriend? Do you want to have sex with him now, or would you rather not? If you told him NO, would he listen to you? If you talk with him seriously, and tell him that you are hurt that he didn't respect your wishes, what would he say?

It is not all right for him to push you farther than you are ready to go, for any reason. And if you feel that you have to have sex with him to keep him, then he's not a good boyfriend and you should think about just being true to yourself and letting him go.

If, however, you DO want to have sex with him, yes, it's perfectly fine for you to use birth control. You would need to make a doctor's appointment for a pelvic exam (have you ever had one?) and you and the doctor would talk about the various kinds of birth control pills and which one would be best for you. And yes, you could start right away, usually with the next cycle.

You can also go to Planned Parenthood if you don't have a doctor of your own. Is this something you are interested in?

Here is a page where you can find a Planned Parenthood health center near you:


Does this help a little?

But most of all, do you feel ready for more sex? Or would you like to stop? Please let us know. We support you either way.

February 25, 2010 - 10:15am

Thank You for replying to my message and yes i feel pressured. I didnt want to have sex in the first place i wanted to wait till i was atleast 21.....gettn to 18 was hard but i always had faith i would get to 21. if i start birth control would this regulate my period? when can i start and what brand should i use?

February 24, 2010 - 6:10pm


Plan B often causes a period AND changes the "normal" time for your period to come. Your chances of pregnancy are very very low, especially since you took it twice, and within 72 hours. With that amount of bleeding, and with the negative pregnancy test, you can be almost sure that you are not pregnant.

That amount of blood comes from the uterus sloughing off its lining, like it does during your period.

You shouldn't get your period again this week. I would expect now that you'll ovulate in another two to three weeks and have your next period in 4 to 5 weeks. You might not be regular for the first two or three cycles. This is just a side effect of Plan B and you shouldn't worry about it.

However, I am concerned that your boyfriend is pressuring you into unprotected sex when you don't want to have it. Do you feel that this is what's happening?

Should you perhaps consider birth control? Either condoms or birth control pills? We can give you information on anything that you're interested in.

February 24, 2010 - 11:39am
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