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Missed 2 pills in 3rd week

By Anonymous May 14, 2015 - 4:28pm
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Hi, i am on my third week of pills, I had unprotected sex Sunday morning and had my Sunday morning pill but I then forgot my pill Monday and Tuesday and I didnt make up for them but had my Wednesday one, is there a chance of getting pregnant ?

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Hello Anonymous,

Welcome to EmpowHER. Birth control pills prevent pregnancy by preventing ovulation. This happens because a daily dose of the active pill keeps hormone levels constant. When you miss a dose and do not make up for it as soon as possible, hormone levels drop and ovulation can occur. Not using alternate birth control, like a condom, during intercourse does present the chance for pregnancy.

You are at a higher risk if you go without a daily active pill for seven consecutive days.
You were at a low risk by missing two consecutive doses. But, you will only know if you conceived if you do not have vaginal bleeding during the period of the inactive pills.


May 15, 2015 - 8:16am
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Birth Control

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