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I've had Bell palsy for over 45 years. Is it too late for any effective treatment?

By Anonymous July 27, 2017 - 12:47am
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I was 17 just out of high school when I was stricken with Bell palsy and at the time (1971) I was told there was no known treatment, that it would go away in weeks or months. It's been decades. Some say it's barely noticeable, but after all these years I still cannot raise my right eyebrow, play my trumpet as I did in high school or blow balloon. And my face is still lopsided and my smile is crooked. After all these years, is these any medication or treatment that would eradicate this palsy?

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HERWriter Guide

Hello Anon

Thank you for writing.

Many of these cases clear up on their own but many have long-lasting symptoms or even permanent paralysis.
You will need to talk to a neurologist about your case. Treatment and knowledge has changed a lot in the past 45 years. Corticosteriods could help you even now. Anti-virals may also help (the jury is out on that one) but it's certainly worth setting up and appointment.
Please keep us posted-

July 27, 2017 - 1:52pm
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