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Is It Ethically Unacceptable to Genetically Alter an Embryo? Does It Turn Children Into 'Designed Products'?

By May 13, 2008 - 8:19am
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Yesterday, The Associated Press reported that scientists genetically altered a human embryo for the first time. The lead in the research said the goal was to see if a gene introduced into an abnormal embryo could be traced in stem cells that are harvested from the embryo. Such work could help shed light on why abnormal embryos fail to develop, he said.

However, some groups are crying foul saying such work can lead to “designer babies” saying it turns children into designed objects, and would create an unequal society where some people are genetically enriched while others would be considered inferior.

Where do you stand? Is it ethically unacceptable to genetically alter an embryo?


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My opinion is that many brilliant scientific discoveries occur when just on the "cutting edge" of what the society (of the time) believes to be ethical, moral and causing no harm.

As the message states above, the groups are concerned about what this could lead to...and that's where ethics come into the situation. Just because we are scientifically capable of creating (or destroying), does not mean that we will. I think we can push the envelope and see what we can learn, with an eye towards the INTENTION...are we intending to save lives, cure cancer...or create a designer baby? The "greater good" of the society is what is important to consider, and I believe what we learn from this could lead to some important developments in our health care!

May 13, 2008 - 12:57pm
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