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If I missed the last 3 pills of my birth control can I get pregnant?

By Anonymous January 14, 2017 - 9:49am
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So, during the holidays, I went on vacation in mid December. I forgot to take a few of my birth control pills and never made up for them. I am taking Minastrin 24 Fe. It is a 24 day active pill and 4 placebos. So up until the last 3 days of active pills (which I forgot to take as well because I was moving) I was already actively 2 days behind. The thing that made me realize I had forgotten to take the pills is the fact that I had a ONE day period. That's it!! I haven't started my new pack yet because I am afraid of being pregnant and taking the pills. This is my first time on birth control and my first month.

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Hi, Anon.

Birth control pills are highly effective at preventing pregnancy if taken correctly. If not, you run the risk of getting pregnant. You missed 3 active pills and did not make them up. It's best to call your gynecologist for further instructions on what to do next.


January 14, 2017 - 2:43pm
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Birth Control

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