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I had a bad experience with bioidentical hormones. What information can you give me on this topic?

By Anonymous December 2, 2008 - 9:03am
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I ended up in the hospital with severe panic attacks and delusional thoughts after being given too little estrogen and way too much progesterone by an N. D. here in the valley. I have had a full hysterectomy and was told by three other doctors that I never should have been given the progesterone. This episode caused a chain reaction in which I was then put on too high of a dose of Lexapro and many other anti-anxiety drugs for the next two years. All of the side effects made me feel horribly worse and I ended up being weened off of everything except some Adivan. I feel better now, but still not right.

I need some help with my hormones, but don't know who to get it from or who to trust. Any info that you have would be helpful.

Thanks, Debbie O'Donnell

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Hi. I have been searching for anybody else who has had a bad experience with bio-identicals. Unlike seemingly everyone else, I'd never seen the Oprah episode or read Suzanne Somer's book. My friend had told me about them and I'd done some research online. There seemed to be nothing but positives. I, of course, seem to be the exception. I was knocked off my butt from day one and ended up off work on medical leave for 6 weeks until I at least adjusted somewhat. The problem is that I have been on some time of antidepressent fo 25 yrs so that is a factor but I can't be the only 44 yr old with that issue. I sort of came to this backward maybe. I went to the compounding pharmacy for the consult and then to my OB-GYN to see if she would agree to it. They compounded by my sx. No saliva test. I now feel back to my baseline before I started the hormones. I think. I almost feel like they are having the opposite effect of what they are supposed to be having. I am on Progesterone and Testosterone. What had me off work for that time was the most severe fatigue and depression I have ever had in my life. I could not function. The first 3 days I was climbing the walls, but then I couldn't get out of bed. I can now function but with some adjustment in another medication. I still have no sexual desire. My poor husband really had high hopes. So did I. The pharmacy lady just keeps tell me to adjust as I need to and that she has never heard of this problem before. I find this so hard to believe.

October 3, 2010 - 5:58pm
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I took a minimal dosage of bio-identical progesterone, which was prescribed by the "BHRT" doctor for post-menopausal insomnia and unexplained weight gain. I wasn't even asked for a blood test--the progest. was prescribed based on my symptoms and I was told I was estrogen dominant. I later went to my family doctor and asked for a hormone blood test that showed that in fact I was estradiol deficient and that my progesterone levels were normal... Still, my family doctor said I could always try the bio-identical progesterone and come off it if it didn't suit me. I took the stuff for 25 days and I lost some weight and started sleeping really well and feeling pretty light-footed and happy again, but little by little I also got such severe heartburn and GERD that I thought I'd need to go to the hospital. I couldn't even drink water without acid splashing into my esophagus and burning my throat. It took forever to get better. Don't mess with Mother Nature, is what I say. The synthetic hormones are known to be bad for you, but the bio-identical ones... the problem is that you can't know much about them--there are too many factors at play: hormone levels, quality of the compounded creams, actual needs, and sadly the people who push them are making a fortune off anything "bio-identical" and basing their "diagnosis" on absolute nonsense.

December 10, 2014 - 7:38am
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I too, had a bad reaction to bio-identical progesterone. Twice, my husband was going to rush me to the er after taking a quarter of the 30mg dose. I thought I was going to die, my heart rate went up, I got really hot, my blood pressure went up, I felt like I was going to come out of my skin, and also felt as though I were going to pass out. I felt I was having a heart attack. I had to adjust the dose down to less than the size of the head of a pin. I told the Dr. and the compound pharmacist what happened (twice) and they both told me they never heard of anything happening like that and made me feel as though I was crazy. I have gone off of the progesterone, and a month later I was back to having heart palpitations hourly, feeling depressed, have anxiety. I don't know what to do. I am going to an endocrinologist to rule out any thyroid issue, due to extreme hypersensitivity to any drugs. I can't tolerate drugs much of any kind anymore. I am 45 and miserable. I have never felt like this before and feel like I am falling apart on my poor husband. God forbid that I had to hold down a job right now. I just couldn't do it. I wish there was help without all the trial and error. I feel every time I take something I am taking my life in my hands.

March 1, 2011 - 8:02pm
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

You r not alone...I have experienced the same exact things....FDA needs to ban bio identical hormones. These Dr.s are ignorant and should be sued.

November 25, 2014 - 7:59am
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

My experience has been very good but my sister has some bad effects and is afraid to go any further with Bio-identical Hormone replacement, she still deals with hot flashes, sleepless nights and mood swings as well. My advice would be to search for a very good doctor and find out why you had these things happen. Read Susan Somers books and see if one of those doctors is in your area and stay away from the insurance doctors that run people though like cattle.

October 4, 2010 - 6:32am
(reply to Anonymous)

I am so sorry you had this severe reaction to taking the bio-identical hormones!

Just to be clear, you are wanting to know if someone else has had this "problem" before, which is: a women who has taking antidepressants for 25 years (who is not in mid-40s), and after beginning the bio-identical hormones, and this new hormone made the depression significantly worse, plus severe fatigue that caused you not to be able to function. You are wanting to know if this has happened to other women, correct? Are you still taking antidepressants, and if not, how long ago did you stop taking them?

Hope to hear back from you soon!

October 3, 2010 - 7:31pm
EmpowHER Guest


I had the same problem . Started on Bioidenticals and ended up twice in the ER with major panic attacks. Now I am afraid to use them. Please help. Had total hysteretomy 18 years ago and have been on estratest on and off with no problems.

Thank you,

April 21, 2009 - 7:16pm
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Merly,
I am 51 years old and had a hysterectomy when I was in my 20's. I started on Premarin and got off it several years ago. I have been on the Wiley Protocol for close to 3 years and along with Melatonin have a good night’s sleep. I also take natural Armor Thyroid for Hashimoto's disease. I am very happy with Bio-identical hormone replacement. No hot flashes, soft skin, Sleep well and have a good disposition in general. I would highly recommend reading Susan Somers books, or going to the T.S. Wiley site. Both give references to good doctors. The hardest part of the program is finding a good doctor that accepts insurance, although insurance usually covers the prescriptions you just have to do your research to find the right compounding pharmacy. Even if I did not have insurance I would pay for this, it is worth it.

June 3, 2009 - 7:45am
(reply to Anonymous)


So you were on Premarin since your hysterectomy? For at least a couple of decades, it sounds like? What made you get off the Premarin to begin with? And do you feel better, or the same as you did while on the Premarin?

June 4, 2009 - 8:53am
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Anonymous (reply to Diane Porter)

I was on Premarin for about 9 years. Wyeth, the makers of Premarin and Prempro did a study with a large group of women and had to discontinue the study because so many women were getting cancer; that is why I discounted it. I am full of energy, enjoy a good sexual relationship with my husband and am in good health, I am about 10 lbs overweight but that is not too bad when you are in your 50's. Even though I have Hashimotos I feel good. Aside from the Wiley protocol and bio-identical testosterone I also take a few herbs and exercise.

October 4, 2010 - 6:20am
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