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I had a bad experience with bioidentical hormones. What information can you give me on this topic?

By Anonymous December 2, 2008 - 9:03am
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I ended up in the hospital with severe panic attacks and delusional thoughts after being given too little estrogen and way too much progesterone by an N. D. here in the valley. I have had a full hysterectomy and was told by three other doctors that I never should have been given the progesterone. This episode caused a chain reaction in which I was then put on too high of a dose of Lexapro and many other anti-anxiety drugs for the next two years. All of the side effects made me feel horribly worse and I ended up being weened off of everything except some Adivan. I feel better now, but still not right.

I need some help with my hormones, but don't know who to get it from or who to trust. Any info that you have would be helpful.

Thanks, Debbie O'Donnell

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(reply to Anonymous)

Wow. Thank you for all the info! Very appreciative for your response. I posted my story earlier today in this forum. My mother went through the same thing in 2001 when she abruptly stopped her synthetic estrogen treatment cold turkey. She is better than ever now, but she healed herself with nutrition! She is helping me also in recovering! Thanks Again!

December 16, 2014 - 1:38pm
EmpowHER Guest

This is the only internet site that describes the problems associated with the horrible plight of bio identical hormones. The FDA should ban these and dr.s are hyping this deadly solution to hormone inbalances. I am going on 2 years of withdrawing from 6 months of bio cream. I did stop cold turkey and it put me in the hospital with extreme panic attacks and kidney and liver disjunction even tho tests were showing normal. I have been far far from normal. I am grateful to be alive. These creams will be banned in the future. Mark my words.

November 25, 2014 - 7:49am
EmpowHER Guest

The things in common with bad outcomes seem to be based on too little Testosterone and too much weight placed on Progesterone. Use a better dosing method and make sure to have a decent amount of T, it is the balancer!
www.hormone-treatment.com for more information.

January 9, 2014 - 9:33am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I just found this post. I feel like I had a bad reaction to progesterone cream almost immediately. I have a panic disorder anyways , but within hours of my first application I had a crazy hot flash and terrible anxiety. The third time I applied it I had the worst brain fog of my life and felt so weak and tired I had to stay in bed. My face has continued to fell incredibly hot. I am discontinuing use.

November 10, 2016 - 4:06am
EmpowHER Guest

I see this thread is dated, but I am having a very similar problem.

Started bioidentical hormones..progesterone pills )400 mg per day for 10 days per month, and .25 testosterone cream.

I started having terrible panic attacks about 3 weeks in. I've stopped everything 5 days ago but still panic=city. I really need to know what I've done to myself and how long this will last.

It is pure hell.

June 20, 2012 - 8:57pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Good Morning.... I am just inquiring if you got all this under control... I started a very low dose of Bioidentical Progesterone/Testosterone Cream Tuesday. Within 30 minutes, I started feeling funny. Shortly after, Jitters set in, then Nervousness, then Pings of anxiety.....By the time I got home from work that day, I was in my closet crying....Insomnia that night as well. Wednesday, still has the pings of anxiety, but was able to sleep that night... Thursday was fulll blown anxiety, so I went to see my PC physician...she said she had never heard of this, but retook my blood to retest my levels. By the end of the day, I had to call her again because my Anxiety was thru the roof... I drove home which was a hour drive and within 15-20 minutes of being home, I went to my local ER with severe Anxiety.... Of course the ER doctor on duty said it couldn't be my Scrip because it should be out of my body by now.... Anyone that has any knowledge of this, Please respond and give me some advice....

August 2, 2013 - 5:45am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to justjay1224)

Yes, bio identical hormones are dangerous and life threatening. Anything out there that says anything different is a lie. I am going on 2 years of recovering from a low dose of bio identical cream which ended me in the hospital with extreme panic attacks, ringing in the ears, liver, kidney problems, psychosis and so on. I want to sue somebody...like the dr that prescribed this to me...but she was "let go" for some reason? Go figure. FDA needs to ban hormone creams. Very very dangerous.

November 25, 2014 - 7:55am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I could not agree more. I also want to sue the pracitioner who over dosed me...she did not test me. I hears she was fired. I am going on 4 years of recovery and still have big liver kidney issues, my eyes are shot, cry all the time, can't eat certain foods, have spent thousands recovering with acupuncture, massage, Ayurveda, tons of herbs. I am detoxing out of my bones. Now and I am aching all the time. It has been a literal nightmare. And yes, I want to sue. It is 100% life threatening.

November 10, 2016 - 6:45am
EmpowHER Guest

I am 53 and had a hysterectomy about 30 years ago. I have been on the Wiley Protocol for about 6 years as well as testosterone and have been very pleased with the results.

October 28, 2011 - 5:58am

I have been on Amor Vie bioidentical hormones for approx. 4 mos. I have had 3 series of implants w/bloodwork monitoring every 4 weeks. The results have been amazing!!! I suffered severly w/hot flashes & sleep disturbances, in addition to low sex drive, uncomfortable intercourse..seems like I had all the classic symptoms. I am 50 yrs old & have not had a menstrual cycle in 2 years. I decided that I was willing to go to any length to get my life back!!...Im all about quality of life & mine was fading fast. I did a lot of research on synthetic hormones & decided it was not an option for me. Im very happy w/Amor Vie & intend to stay on the same path.

October 27, 2011 - 7:14pm
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