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I got my period after taking Plan B pills even though I just had my period 3 days before.

By August 12, 2009 - 9:20pm
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My bf and I had unprotected sex right atfer I just ended my period I took plan B pills and the next day I got my period again even though I just had it 3 days earlier. But now I still haven't gotten my period. Is it possible that I'm just late?

Can anyone please help me? I'm thinking I'm just going to get my period really late. Or is it possible that I am pregnant? Answers asap please.

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(reply to Anonymous)

Thank you for sharing your story...I hope your period begins soon!

Please know that your periods will not begin "the last week of x month" as they did when you were on birth control pills. It is most important to know the first day of your last menstrual period (first day of bleeding), and to count from this day forward.

Just curious: why did you decide to stop taking your birth control pills in October?

I'm happy that you are talking with your doctor, and please keep us updated!

January 25, 2011 - 11:32am
EmpowHER Guest

So I been stressing out a little bit here and I hope someone can help me. My last period started Nov. 28th and around the 15th or 16th of Dec. the condom broke and i didnt take Plan B until about 2 days after? I know as a side effect i could be early or late with my period and i have a very regular cycle but it's now Jan 22nd and i still havent gotten my period. Should i wait it out more or waste my money on a test? or is there an explaination why i possibly havent gotten my period? I know a lot of girls are out there stressing and i been searching aound for something to relate to but im way overdue.

January 22, 2011 - 10:46pm
(reply to Anonymous)

It is a good idea to use a home pregnancy test, to rule out pregnancy as a reason for a missed period. You can also call your doctor, if you are more comfortable with this option.

Women can miss a period without any underlying medical condition, but since you are sexually active (and your birth control method failed) it would be wise to determine the cause of your missed period.

Regardless of the test results, also call your doctor if your period does not begin in January.

January 23, 2011 - 7:34am

I had unprotected sex on Friday the 14th of January, the day my period ended. Is it possible that I'm pregnant?

I have been taking birth control regularly for 5 months straight, however I got my period during my 2nd week in my birth control packet. Also, is it too late to take Plan B? Today is the 5th day after sex.

Also, it was my first time so I bled a lot. I also continued to bleed for three days after sex, it was like light spotting. Should I be worried?

January 19, 2011 - 12:08pm
EmpowHER Guest

Just to update from my previous post, I have taken a HPT and it came out negative. It's been 36 days since my last period and definitely been a week since my expected day. I just want to know how accurate are pregnancy tests? Thanks

January 17, 2011 - 3:48pm
Expert HERWriter Guide Blogger (reply to Anonymous)

Home pregnancy tests check for the presence of a pregnancy hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG) in urine. They can vary greatly in accuracy. You can ask your doctor for a blood test if you don't want to trust the home test. A blood test can confirm a pregnancy about 6 days after the fertilized egg implants into the uterus (even before a missed menstrual period).

January 17, 2011 - 5:45pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Anonymous,
Having irregular periods after Plan B is very common. You should expect it for the next couple months actually as this is normal.
For more information, please review these articles: Emergency Contraception Update, 2010.
I hope this helps.

January 16, 2011 - 10:25am
EmpowHER Guest

ok so i need help i ended my period the morning of 1-9-11 (the night of my boyfriends birthday...that night we had sex and i'm not on any BC but we used a condom and it broke and neither of us knew it he completely finish inside of me. i'm scared i may be pregnant i'm not suppose to get my period till the 1st of February and im back on it even though i just got off it on the 9th i took plan b the very next day (1-10-11) so does this mean im pregnant or is it just a side effect? if its a side effect then will i have it again in 2 weeks or will it come in 4 weeks since im on it now?

Please help me!!!!

January 15, 2011 - 11:49am
EmpowHER Guest

Hey, I just feel like I want to hear some of your feedbacks on my situation which happened a month ago.
My last period was on December 11th, and we had sex on December 19 (which was before I ovaluated) in which the condom slipped and was still in me after he ejacuated and pulled out. I took Plan B an hour after this incident and experienced bleeding on December 24 for about 4 days. I've read somewhere that that was just a side effect of Plan B. It's been 32 days since my last period and I'm usually on a 28-30 day cycle.
I've been researching around and I've heard mixed stories about late periods. Some people consider the day of taking Plan B as a reset for day 1 of my cycle, some said the week that I bled after taking Plan was the reset for day 1 of my cycle. I'm wondering if these are accurate since they were based on experience. I'm planning to take a pregnancy test by the end of the week. My question is, how late can a period be if taken Plan B? I've been trying not to stress, but I'm really hoping for a negative result this weekend.

January 11, 2011 - 8:05pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for your posting and for finding EmpowHER.
Please try to relax. You did what you were supposed to (using a condom and taking planB when you thought it failed). In fact, the condom didn't fail, right? It just came off and stayed in when your boyfriend pulled out. As long as it didn't leak, you should've been fine.
Please read this article to answer your questions. If it doesn't help, please let us know and we will try to get a more definitive answer for you. Also included is an article to try and avoid condom mishaps.
Emergency Contraception Update, 2010, and Help! The Condom Broke During Sex: How to Prevent "Wardrobe Malfunctions".
Good luck and let us know how you're doing.

January 12, 2011 - 7:50am
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