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EmpowHER Guest

Hey, I just feel like I want to hear some of your feedbacks on my situation which happened a month ago.
My last period was on December 11th, and we had sex on December 19 (which was before I ovaluated) in which the condom slipped and was still in me after he ejacuated and pulled out. I took Plan B an hour after this incident and experienced bleeding on December 24 for about 4 days. I've read somewhere that that was just a side effect of Plan B. It's been 32 days since my last period and I'm usually on a 28-30 day cycle.
I've been researching around and I've heard mixed stories about late periods. Some people consider the day of taking Plan B as a reset for day 1 of my cycle, some said the week that I bled after taking Plan was the reset for day 1 of my cycle. I'm wondering if these are accurate since they were based on experience. I'm planning to take a pregnancy test by the end of the week. My question is, how late can a period be if taken Plan B? I've been trying not to stress, but I'm really hoping for a negative result this weekend.

January 11, 2011 - 8:05pm


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