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Hello guys. I'm confused

By November 23, 2012 - 4:54pm
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Hi all. my hubby and I. We used two rubbers(condom) and then the third is withdrawal method. Im sure that there is no small hole in that rubber coz i stretched it. My due is this nov.24, do you think i will be pregnant with that?

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from now, i dont have any signs of being preg. About those headaches? Backache? etc, i didnt feel any of them. Yes, i have a slight headache coz i really had a heavy cough. Then, my breast were swollen coz i breastfed my baby too. I felt a little cramp through my abdomen and slowly it fades away, then come back again. idk. And i have this discharge that sometimes it turns to yellow, but mostly white. whut do u think?

November 23, 2012 - 10:51pm
Guide (reply to RenmaeBas)

Hello RenmaBas,

The change in color of your vaginal discharge may be the normal variation associated with different times in your menstrual cycle. As long as you are not experiencing any other symptoms, such as vaginal itching or foul vaginal odor, there should be nothing to worry about.


November 26, 2012 - 5:46pm
(reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

U think so? Im 4days delay :( I check my undies evrytime i go to cr but there is only a brown discharge, its like a old blood or something. My last period is like this too, do i have to worry about that? :/ I dont feel any symptoms of being pregnant. JUst a slight headache. Plus, im a breastfeeding mom. Will this affect my periods? I searched on the site about pregnancy symptoms while breastfeeding, and i didnt relate any of them. My baby still loves to drink my milk and my nipples are not sore. :-/

November 27, 2012 - 6:37am

Hello RenmaeBas,

The withdrawal method isn't a very effective method of birth control and condoms are moderately effective.Twenty-seven out of 100 couples using the withdrawal method will get pregnant in a year. Fifteen out of 100 couples using a condom will get pregnant in one year.

If your period is late beyond one week, take a home pregnancy test. That is the way to know if you are pregnant.


November 23, 2012 - 6:09pm
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