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could i be pregnant?

By January 3, 2010 - 12:27am
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ok so i usually have my period about the 25-28 th of the month and well it lasts up to at least the 3rd of the next month. i had sex with my fiance' around the 18th ish of december, now his condom keeps slipping off near the end of our intercourse, and we keep thinking " oh shit" because i am not on the pill because of money wise... we do have a 1yr old now and well kinda not ready to have another one. not ready for the swollen ankels, back pains adn the whole big pot belly. i am on a flat belly diet and takeing weight management supplements and colon cleansers together. My fiance' and I have been fight alot late over small things like clothes left on the florr and dishes not done at a certain time or vacuuming hasn't been done yet. I am a stay at home mom and i usually don't get alot of time for my self. could it be stress that my period hasn't come? or the weight loss pills i have been takeing? or is it because of the slippery condom? plz help.

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Another thought, regarding the condom-issue.

Condoms are very effective at preventing pregnancy when used correctly; the failure rate is usually due to "user error". Is your fiance withdrawing his penis from you while he is still fully erect, AND holding the base of the condom, until he is completely withdrawn from your vagina? These are two important steps, and would prevent condom slippage.

If the condom slipping is during sex, then he may not be fully erect or he may want to try a different brand of condom. There are literally hundreds of different condoms, and I'm sure he would find one that he likes and would not slip off. He could at least have fun trying new ones (when you two are in a better place)! :-)

January 3, 2010 - 7:47am

It sounds like you have a lot of things going on in your life...I'm sorry you are so stressed right now, and please let us know how we can help provide information or just a friendly ear.

How long has it been since your last period? Rarely do the calendar days help, as women's cycles can range from 21-35 days between periods, and with some months lasting 30 days, others 31 days...the exact "calendar day" will begin to shift with time.

If your period is late, it can be due to a pregnancy, stress, recent illness, medication, or "unknown" factors. The only way to know if you are pregnant is to take a home pregnancy test (about $12-$15) once you have missed your period. If you are money-conscious, you may want to wait a week and see if your period begins; then take a test.

Your choices in colon cleansing, diet and diet pills is very concerning...and many of these supplements contain ingredients that can increase your stress and anxiety levels, and side effects can include irritability, sadness, stress/anxiety, etc. Are you working with a doctor to lose weight, and most importantly, have you spoken with a doctor or pharmacist about the possible harmful drug interactions that these may have when combined/taken together?

Let us know how we can help, whether it is with healthy weight loss, colon "issues", stay-at-home-mom dilemmas (I am one too!), partner frustrations...and just daily life overtaking us. We have all "been there", or, are currently experiencing the same frustrations as you are, and can either listen or offer some information, support or reassurance.

January 3, 2010 - 7:41am
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