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Can i get pregnant without deep penetration?

By July 9, 2009 - 4:55am
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Hi, I'm 23 years old lady and I'm still a virgin. I have a bf and we've been together for more than 4 years. We never had 'real' penetration or sexual intercourse (saving it for the marriage). But today we made out and he only put his tip into me (only like half an inch to an inch) but did not cum in me. I am just a little concerned and went online to search for answers, and some people even mentioned that with what i've done, i'm actually not a virgin anymore! but no pain no blood flow happened.

Anyway, my question is, will i get pregnant this way? isit really true that if sperm was only near the vagina, i will get pregnant?

only supportive and real answers please.. i know i shud've used contraception, but it was our first time, and we didn't really planned for it to happen.


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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

thanx alott for ur help......it hs removd a lot of burden frm my head......thnx alottt....:))

May 20, 2012 - 11:14pm
EmpowHER Guest

ola, soy un chiko d 17 años y hace 4 dias, el sabado 12 de mayo a las 11 pm mi novia i yo estabamos jugando i las cosas c pusieron mas serias, despues de algo de faje los 2 quisimos una relacion sexual, ella estaba parada de pie i yo tambien, entonces su vajina estaba inflamada y con mucosidad, yo solo introduje muy poco mi pene en su vagina pero antes de hacerlo limpie un poco la punta (x el likido pre-eyaculatorio) solo fueron unos 20 segundos, despues lo saque y eia estaba muy preocupada, me dijo q estaba a la mitad d q su periodo habia terminado y a la mitad d q volviera a empezar... estamos preocupados x q no sabemos si puede kedar embarazada... porfavor me urge una respuesta!!... gracias

May 16, 2012 - 1:51am
(reply to Anonymous)

Hola Anonimo, 

Cuando dos personas tienes relaciones sexuales, siempre hay un riesgo de quedar embarazada. Aunque solo hubieran sido 20 segundos, el liquido pre-ejaculatorio todavia puede causar embarazo. Por ahora, trata de que to novia no se preocupe porque el stress tambien puede causar un periodo tarde. Si le llega a tiempo, entonces no esta embararaza, si no le llega a tiempo, por fabor compra un examen de embarazo. 

Para el futuro: nunca tengas sexo con penetracion si no estan usando un metodo anticonceptivo. 

Mucha suerte,


May 16, 2012 - 8:35am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi, it's embarrassing to ask since am 22 and never got sex education. But I'm a virgin me and my boyfriend were messing around he fingered me and I touched him then he rub against me for a while and put tip in and I pushed him to get out. So worried to be pregnant he's a father already so am sure if something went wrong he tell me. So scared don't know what to think:/

May 9, 2012 - 11:38am
EmpowHER Guest

can i get pregnant from anal sex? i didnt think so but my friends told me it's possible. i kind of feel stupid asking this. my boyfriend usually goes down on me with his fingers and tongue alternating so it really gets me flowing then. at first i thought it was disgusting but he convinced me and now he licks my butthole and inserts his fingers in while he licks my vagina. whenever he gives me anal he often cums inside my butt and switches to my vagina. it all seemed odd to me at first but he does such a good job so i just let him do whatever he wants to me now.

are there any health risks i should worry about?

May 6, 2012 - 5:14pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi I'm 13 & Today me and A guy I mess around with sorta had oral & natural sex. He only placed his TIP inside of me & he ejaculated. I'm scared as hell & I need to know could I be pregnant & how long does it have to be before I can take a pregnancy test & find out whether I'm with child or not,because as i said I'm THIRTEEN & im not ready to be a mom or deal with my parents & others around me


May 6, 2012 - 12:33pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Take test now and for STD now!
If you are not ready to tell your parents etc than you are not ready to have sex! It is that easy.
Women have become pregnant without even having the penis at all inside her.....sperm can be very persistent!
There are also some religious groups that believe intercourse is wrong even if you are married and trying to get pregnant. That God will make you and women have become pregnant just because like above, if near the entrance they can be persistent.
At 13, your body might not be even ready to handle a pregnancy so that is something else to think about. You can get STD which can kill you as well as make you sterile.
BUT if you and your partner have not discussed what you both want if you should get pregnant and than spoke to Nurse or Doctor about dangers of getting pregnant at 13...it is just showing you are not mature enough to handle this yet.
This is not a thing that happens at 13, I know many married couples who neglect to discuss this every issue and if it happens a huge mess and lots of grief can come of it. So I am not picking on you due to your age believe me.
If you find you are not pregnant please be grateful and do not push your luck! Discuss this with your doctor, school nurse or counselor. Your County/City Health Dept can also help answer your questions and help you to learn how to get a discussion going with your partner.
13 is too young i believe. My younger sister did it at that age and unlike me, it was not a loving experience plus it messed her head up so even now she is has issues about intimacy and just trusting herself.
Women Centers can also help and sure there you can meet women who can first hand give you their life experiences about having sex so early and consequences as well as how abortion and adoption will affect you for the rest of your lives.
I am pro choice but believe strongly that all women having one should be awake..just have local pain medicine. I had a D &C after i miscarried which is same as abortion....it hurt so bad that the Dr would stop right before i was about to pass out....have me breathe and rest than start again.
Also, I waited till I was an adult and had dated the guy for over a year. I am sure now many of you think that is puritanical but I wanted to wait till i was really ready. I wanted to go on to college too and even though i felt he might be the guy i would marry i was not ready for marriage.
He also had waited and now more than 40yrs later we both agree that we were glad we did wait. That our first time was full of love and something that neither will ever forget. We are still friends and love each other. Keep in touch few times through out the year.
Where my younger sister who was 13 also does not recall his last name nor does she care too. It was not even close to what she came to realize what making love is vs having sex. True with all my friends who did it that way..men as well as women.
So wait now for you to get to know yourself better. Communicate with your partner about what happens if you do get pregnant. If you do decide to go ahead than have both of you tested and show the lab work paper...not worth him giving you year or even month old lab test....than you get herpes, other STD's as well as AIDS.
Life goes by fast enough ...enjoy it and try to do things the right way so you enjoy it and have as little regrets as possible!

July 31, 2012 - 12:57am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

the test are very accurate. If you have missed one period or i believe as little as 3 weeks have passed the test should work.
I know even when i was your age, actually 12, 7th grade back in the mid 60's a girl was having sex. It shocked me in more than one way. Her parents had arranged her to be married at 13/14...she was having sex with i guess you call her finance'. He was at least 20 years older than her so i often wondered if she really wanted it.
I made friends with another girl who also had arranged marriage at same age, 13/14. I would tutor her. I ran into her when i was in high school she had 4 kids!
I ran into her again out of high school and she had got her GED and was in the community college hoping to go on to college. I was so proud of her!
13 is so young...as she said to me. She said she often felt like she was kid without the proper answers raising her own children. She said i had said something to her both in JR High and when i ran into her when I was in High School that gave her hope. She also open my eyes at how young I really was and what could happen if i was not careful...so we helped each other.
my little sister had sex that young...since she was the youngest she wanted to be grown up like her older siblings...i was the middle sister so she had sister 8 years older which really she did not know that well.
My younger sister has many issues and both her therapists and us, her sisters believe a great deal was due to the fact she had sex so young plus also had done drugs. I doubt if she had done drugs so early she would have had sex so early. Or drink...do anything that interferes with your judgement.
Believe me that if you wait to make love and not just have sex with the right guy it is like night and day. When i compared how i first had sex to both my sisters....i am so glad i waited till i felt it was right for me and that the guy really loved me.
To this day, I am still friends with him and I know it was just as special for him as well as me. Where as both my sisters do not even remember the last name of the guy and it was not even near to what my first time.
If i had just picked some guy even like at a party in college where both of us been drinking, i can guarantee this that since my hymen was fully intact it would have hurt like hell if he just rushed his way with me. Instead i had a guy who loved me and took his time so it was unforgettable experience.
Also, if you should get pregnant, and choose to have a abortion....have it awake. I had to have D n C after I miscarried when i was married, which is basically same procedure as a abortion. It hurts! The doctor would stop right before i be about ready to pass out...it hurt that bad. He kept apologizing to me.
They had put me in with women who were getting abortions where as i wanted my child. So i had to listen to them speak how happy they were it was over where as i was sad. When i did try to get dressed because of all the cramping and pain etc i did pass out.
Also just wise to use condoms....STD now can make you sterile, kill you if you get full blown Aids and if you only have HIV chronic disease...which if you already have something like lupus etc, it can kill you all that much easier.
So please get both pregnancy test and STD testing by your doctor. You can go to your county health dept and they should give you free testing if you do not have the money etc. You do not need your parents permission in most states.....just so you at least go and get tested.
If you are not sure go see your school nurse, counselor or a teacher...woman one that you trust who can help point you in the right direction.
At 13 you need to have your OB Gyn doctor really check you out to make sure you are healthy enough to handle a pregnancy. If so adopting is a very generous act....i was not able to have children due to the SLE and I know many other women who also could not and could not find a baby of their race to adopt.
But first get tested ...than if you find you are not....be wise do not have intercourse or sex to that degree until you are older and met a man who respects you. You discuss ahead of time what will you do if you should get pregnant.
Anyone having sex, even married couples should talk about what they will do if a pregnancy happens. You would be surprised how many married couples never communicated about this topic.. amazing to me.

July 31, 2012 - 12:32am

but i dont remember that at any time i broke my seal or have bleeding before sex .... it means now im not a virgin

April 23, 2012 - 8:22am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Anonymous,

Thank you for your question and welcome to Empowher. Your hymen is close to the external part of your vaginal opening and therefore, if you had sex, it would have been broken. However, it is not that uncommon to break your hymen way before you have sex. Due to its external location, you may have broken it by just physical activity and didn't even know it. I hope this helps.


April 21, 2012 - 10:00am
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