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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Take test now and for STD now!
If you are not ready to tell your parents etc than you are not ready to have sex! It is that easy.
Women have become pregnant without even having the penis at all inside her.....sperm can be very persistent!
There are also some religious groups that believe intercourse is wrong even if you are married and trying to get pregnant. That God will make you and women have become pregnant just because like above, if near the entrance they can be persistent.
At 13, your body might not be even ready to handle a pregnancy so that is something else to think about. You can get STD which can kill you as well as make you sterile.
BUT if you and your partner have not discussed what you both want if you should get pregnant and than spoke to Nurse or Doctor about dangers of getting pregnant at 13...it is just showing you are not mature enough to handle this yet.
This is not a thing that happens at 13, I know many married couples who neglect to discuss this every issue and if it happens a huge mess and lots of grief can come of it. So I am not picking on you due to your age believe me.
If you find you are not pregnant please be grateful and do not push your luck! Discuss this with your doctor, school nurse or counselor. Your County/City Health Dept can also help answer your questions and help you to learn how to get a discussion going with your partner.
13 is too young i believe. My younger sister did it at that age and unlike me, it was not a loving experience plus it messed her head up so even now she is has issues about intimacy and just trusting herself.
Women Centers can also help and sure there you can meet women who can first hand give you their life experiences about having sex so early and consequences as well as how abortion and adoption will affect you for the rest of your lives.
I am pro choice but believe strongly that all women having one should be awake..just have local pain medicine. I had a D &C after i miscarried which is same as abortion....it hurt so bad that the Dr would stop right before i was about to pass out....have me breathe and rest than start again.
Also, I waited till I was an adult and had dated the guy for over a year. I am sure now many of you think that is puritanical but I wanted to wait till i was really ready. I wanted to go on to college too and even though i felt he might be the guy i would marry i was not ready for marriage.
He also had waited and now more than 40yrs later we both agree that we were glad we did wait. That our first time was full of love and something that neither will ever forget. We are still friends and love each other. Keep in touch few times through out the year.
Where my younger sister who was 13 also does not recall his last name nor does she care too. It was not even close to what she came to realize what making love is vs having sex. True with all my friends who did it that way..men as well as women.
So wait now for you to get to know yourself better. Communicate with your partner about what happens if you do get pregnant. If you do decide to go ahead than have both of you tested and show the lab work paper...not worth him giving you year or even month old lab test....than you get herpes, other STD's as well as AIDS.
Life goes by fast enough ...enjoy it and try to do things the right way so you enjoy it and have as little regrets as possible!

July 31, 2012 - 12:57am


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