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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

the test are very accurate. If you have missed one period or i believe as little as 3 weeks have passed the test should work.
I know even when i was your age, actually 12, 7th grade back in the mid 60's a girl was having sex. It shocked me in more than one way. Her parents had arranged her to be married at 13/14...she was having sex with i guess you call her finance'. He was at least 20 years older than her so i often wondered if she really wanted it.
I made friends with another girl who also had arranged marriage at same age, 13/14. I would tutor her. I ran into her when i was in high school she had 4 kids!
I ran into her again out of high school and she had got her GED and was in the community college hoping to go on to college. I was so proud of her!
13 is so young...as she said to me. She said she often felt like she was kid without the proper answers raising her own children. She said i had said something to her both in JR High and when i ran into her when I was in High School that gave her hope. She also open my eyes at how young I really was and what could happen if i was not careful...so we helped each other.
my little sister had sex that young...since she was the youngest she wanted to be grown up like her older siblings...i was the middle sister so she had sister 8 years older which really she did not know that well.
My younger sister has many issues and both her therapists and us, her sisters believe a great deal was due to the fact she had sex so young plus also had done drugs. I doubt if she had done drugs so early she would have had sex so early. Or drink...do anything that interferes with your judgement.
Believe me that if you wait to make love and not just have sex with the right guy it is like night and day. When i compared how i first had sex to both my sisters....i am so glad i waited till i felt it was right for me and that the guy really loved me.
To this day, I am still friends with him and I know it was just as special for him as well as me. Where as both my sisters do not even remember the last name of the guy and it was not even near to what my first time.
If i had just picked some guy even like at a party in college where both of us been drinking, i can guarantee this that since my hymen was fully intact it would have hurt like hell if he just rushed his way with me. Instead i had a guy who loved me and took his time so it was unforgettable experience.
Also, if you should get pregnant, and choose to have a abortion....have it awake. I had to have D n C after I miscarried when i was married, which is basically same procedure as a abortion. It hurts! The doctor would stop right before i be about ready to pass out...it hurt that bad. He kept apologizing to me.
They had put me in with women who were getting abortions where as i wanted my child. So i had to listen to them speak how happy they were it was over where as i was sad. When i did try to get dressed because of all the cramping and pain etc i did pass out.
Also just wise to use condoms....STD now can make you sterile, kill you if you get full blown Aids and if you only have HIV chronic disease...which if you already have something like lupus etc, it can kill you all that much easier.
So please get both pregnancy test and STD testing by your doctor. You can go to your county health dept and they should give you free testing if you do not have the money etc. You do not need your parents permission in most states.....just so you at least go and get tested.
If you are not sure go see your school nurse, counselor or a teacher...woman one that you trust who can help point you in the right direction.
At 13 you need to have your OB Gyn doctor really check you out to make sure you are healthy enough to handle a pregnancy. If so adopting is a very generous act....i was not able to have children due to the SLE and I know many other women who also could not and could not find a baby of their race to adopt.
But first get tested ...than if you find you are not....be wise do not have intercourse or sex to that degree until you are older and met a man who respects you. You discuss ahead of time what will you do if you should get pregnant.
Anyone having sex, even married couples should talk about what they will do if a pregnancy happens. You would be surprised how many married couples never communicated about this topic.. amazing to me.

July 31, 2012 - 12:32am


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