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Can I be pregnant?

By Anonymous May 23, 2019 - 4:33pm
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I had unprotected sex on the 8th of May and my period was supposed to start on the 14th but it never arrived, My partner and I have been trying for about 1 year and still no luck but I am now 9 days late and I am very confused, we had unprotected sex again 2 days ago and after I went to the bathroom I noticed I had blood, it was red with mucous but after that I didn't bleed again so I'm not sure if those two situations are related or not. I just really don't know what it could be and I hope I am pregnant but again I have no clue as my period is also not always a 28 day in between, it can vary from 27 to 35. I hope I can get some help! Also I am in my 20's if that helps as well.

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HERWriter Guide

Hello Anon

Take a pregnancy test - one would be accurate by now. If you are not pregnant, then that blood may indicate a short period. However, it may be implantation bleeding meaning you're pregnant. You need to take a test.
Good luck!

May 23, 2019 - 5:09pm
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