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7 weeks agp i woke up with 2 large blisters on back of both legs on upper thigh i have taken 2 different antibiotics and currently its no longer a blister its a red, seeping sore and is 4 inches wide and getting worst does it sound like mrsa or staff?

By Anonymous October 15, 2018 - 2:39pm
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i have a red, seeping sore on the back of my leg on upper thigh its 4 inches wide and 1/4 inch deep u cam see below the skin as well as the muscle its been 7 weeks dealing with this ive had 2 fever spikes and it's extremely painful
why won't this thing heal??

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HERWriter Guide

Hello Anon

Thank you for writing.

We cannot diagnose anything over the internet but you may have a staph infection or MRSA. These are serious infections that need immediate medical attention. Please do not wait to see if these sores heal - please go to the emergency room. Please keep us updated.

October 15, 2018 - 2:51pm
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