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WHITE PAPER: Gardasil, the Cervical Cancer Vaccine: Carefree Cure or Cause for Caution? By Larry Scherwitz, PhD

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On June 8, 2008, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Gardasil, a vaccine created by the pharmaceutical giant, Merck, to protect girls and young women from specific human papillomavirus (HPV) strains that can lead to 70% of cervical cancer cases.(1) Since receiving approval in America and many European countries, tens of millions of females between ages 11 to 26 have been vaccinated with Gardasil. At this time, state legislators are considering campaigns to make Gardasil widely available if not mandatory.(2) While most who have received the vaccine are symptom-free, a growing number of desperate mothers believe in their heart and soul that Gardasil has caused their daughters’ serious, chronic—and sometimes life-threatening—adverse reactions.

Committed to helping and de-coding the contradictions between Merck’s scientific studies and those who are suffering serious side effects that seem to be linked to the vaccination, EmpowHer is presenting this white paper. The intention of EmpowHer is to act as a lightening rod and advocate for action if there are enough adverse cases reported. With this in mind, we are inviting you to let us know of young girls and women whose health has suffered following Gardasil injections.

This white paper will give you a glimpse into both sides of the story, plus related links and references to a wealth of media, personal stories, scientific studies, and governmental agencies. In this way, we are inviting you to be empowered, and to get informed, connected, and involved.

Victoria’s Story
“I can’t believe you’re calling me,” Jodi Speakman told Michelle Robson, founder of EmpowHer.

Michelle had called Jodi in response to a comment Jodi posted on EmpowHer on April 13, 2009.

”I’m desperate for information about the Gardasil vaccine and my daughter’s many adverse reactions to it,” Jodi said. “We’re searching. We’re trying to figure this out.”

What Jodi was trying to figure out was a litany of symptoms her now 17-year-old daughter, Victoria, had been experiencing since receiving her second injection of Gardasil two years prior. These ranged from diarrhea, nausea, non-epileptic seizures, tingling, and migraines, to joint and back pain, memory loss, intermittent leg and facial paralysis, and chronic fatigue. Formerly a healthy, happy, involved teenager, “she has not been in school since April 2008,” wrote Jodi. “My daughter can never be left home alone. She can't go to school, go out with her friends or work. She has very few good days and always says she doesn't feel good. Help!(3)

Victoria isn’t the only teenager to experience serious adverse reactions following a Gardasil vaccination. In fact, her mother, Jodi, has been in close contact with 13 other mothers whose daughters have reportedly acquired symptoms after injections of Gardasil that seriously impaired them.

Even more confounding are the results of many medical and diagnostic tests the girls have undergone, all of which ruled out a variety of diseases; at the same time, no common cause was found that could explain why these young ladies got so sick following an injection of Gardasil. In the same light, after experts at the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) examined adverse reactions across the country, it reported no evidence of a pattern that links Gardasil to adverse events.(4)

Knowns, Unknowns

The development of the first vaccine to prevent cancer is believed to be a medical, scientific, and technological breakthrough. Before the Gardasil vaccine was provided for public use, nine clinical trials were conducted to test it. In total, the studies included more than 20,000 subjects in at least 13 countries and 90 clinical testing sites, and the results were consistently positive in terms of efficacy and safety. Indeed, Gardasil has shown an amazing degree of value, particularly for reducing HPV infection rates (for four strains), as well as eliminating genital warts.(5, 6) The research designs were simple and straightforward; statistical methods were well-chosen; articles published in top medical journals were well-written; and the results were convincing enough to obtain approval from the FDA and CDC.

Because of such excellent evidence, those who are certain that Gardasil is the cause of their, or their daughters’ adverse reactions, and who, in turn, want to protect other girls from a similar fate, have their work cut out for them—especially given the vaccine’s widespread dissemination and acceptance by many medical professionals.(2)

While Gardasil is viewed as an encouraging breakthrough for preventing specific types of cervical cancer, there are several reasons to remain skeptical about its unlimited and universal use: First, most (about 65%) of HPV infections are successfully fought off by the body’s immune system within a year of exposure.(7) Secondly, Gardasil prevents infection from only four of some 30 to 40 strains of the HPV virus. While the four strains for which Gardasil is effective account for the majority of cervical cancers (and genital warts), there is no guarantee that the 30 to 40 other strains will not manifest and perhaps “compensate” by becoming more prevalent.

As worrisome, we do not know whether the vaccine will remain effective for more than 10 years; nor do we know the long-term side effects of this vaccination. In response, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is keeping close tabs, while the FDA has an “Adverse Reactions” site so it can collect data on girls and women who have received the vaccination.(8)

EmpowHer Support: Next-Step Considerations

Is turning Gardasil into a “must-have injection” for millions of young females more than a marketing coup for Merck? As we’ve seen, proponents laud its merits: a bright light has been shed on cervical cancer and prevention; it can prevent genital warts caused by other viral strains; and it is the first vaccine that may, indeed, prevent certain viruses from manifesting as cervical cancer, a dreadful disease that is global killer. Critics, however, have a different a perspective. A sampling:

• How long will the protection last? If it wanes after, say, three to five years, will a 12-year-old who has been vaccinated need to receive a booster?

• Is the vaccine really necessary in the West, where cervical cancer is almost always preventable through regular pap smears?

• With a clinical trial on the vaccine that lasted five years, Merck didn’t take the time to test for possible side effects that could become apparent—both short-term and over a longer period of time.

“With so many essential questions still unanswered…we should concentrate on finding more solid answers through research…rather than base…decisions on yet unproven assumptions,” states The New England Journal of Medicine.(9)

EmpowHer agrees. So, too, do Jodi Speakman, who is leaving no stone unturned to help her daughter, and Michelle Robson.

“Jodi’s article gave me the opportunity to pick up the phone and I wasn’t going to pass it up.”

With this in mind, we are inviting you to share your stories and experiences with Gardasil as a way to support women and girls who have experienced adverse symptoms since receiving the vaccination. Here are some options:

1. Post some basic facts on EmpowHer, such as dates of injections and symptoms, whether the problem has resolved, what has been helpful, and your ideas about why you think you or your daughter were susceptible to the vaccine.

2. Below, post insights into both the physical and emotional impact Gardasil has had on you and your family and how you have sought and found support that could be helpful to others.

3. If the adverse effects have been severe, consider submitting an on-line report to the FDA.

4. In these ways, you can help EmpowHer help you solve the mystery of why so many young and healthy girls and women suddenly get severely and chronically ill after receiving injections of Gardasil.(10)

The “Links and Resources” section that follows can give you yet more information about the growing group of those radically opposed to Gardasil, particularly in response to the new state statutes that are making it mandatory.

References, Notes, Links
1. Z.G. issue, "Quadrivalent vaccine against human papillomavirus to prevent high-grade cervical lesions." N Engl J Med. 356, 19 (2007): 1915-27.
2. http://www.ncsl.org/IssuesResearch/Health/HPVVaccineStateLegislation/tabid/14381/Default.aspx
3. Jodi’s story of Victoria has been reported in other media and she has been a leader in a Yahoo Group of several mothers with daughters having similar serious neurotoxic adverse reactions following injections of Gardasil. I have reviewed 11 cases and see sufficient similarities to justify further efforts to get a consistent core of facts on each case and see if we can find a pattern that would explain the cause of illness.
4. The justifications for Gardasil’s continued use are contrasted with petitions signed by impassioned true believers it caused all the unexplained adverse reactions; they want it taken off the market. The jury is still out on whether to halt further use. Most of all we urge you to report any cases in your family where a young woman was vaccinated with Gardasil and had an adverse reaction. We need the number of cases to get the Center for Disease Control to review the evidence.
5. L.A. Koutsky, K.A. Ault, C.M. Wheeler, D.R. Brown, E. Barr, F.B. Alvarez, L.M. Chiacchierini, and K.U. Jansen, "A controlled trial of a human papillomavirus type 16 vaccine." N Engl J Med. 347, 21 (2002): 1645-51.
6. L.L. Villa, R.L. Costa, C.A. Petta, R.P. Andrade, J. Paavonen, O.E. Iversen, S.E. Olsson, J. Hoye, M. Steinwall, G. Riis-Johannessen, A. Andersson-Ellstrom, K. Elfgren, G. Krogh, M. Lehtinen, C. Malm, G.M. Tamms, K. Giacoletti, L. Lupinacci, R. Railkar, F.J. Taddeo, J. Bryan, M.T. Esser, H.L. Sings, A.J. Saah, and E. Barr, "High sustained efficacy of a prophylactic quadrivalent human papillomavirus types 6/11/16/18 l1 virus-like particle vaccine through 5 years of follow-up." Br J Cancer. 95, 11 (2006): 1459-66.
7. E.L. Franco, L.L. Villa, J.P. Sobrinho, J.M. Prado, M.C. Rousseau, M. Desy, and T.E. Rohan, "Epidemiology of acquisition and clearance of cervical human papillomavirus infection in women from a high-risk area for cervical cancer." J Infect Dis. 180, 5 (1999): 1415-23.
8. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5602a1.htm?s_cid=rr5602a1_e
9. http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/356/19/1991
10. Please share with us your experiences. It is only through numbers that we can convince the epidemiologists at the CDC that there is a problem with Gardasil. Conversely, it is only by the lack of numbers and the likelihood of coincidence that we can know whether Gardasil is safe. Presently, Gardasil’s use is widespread and it is being advocated for boys, which may be alarming to some, but it makes sense if it can stamp out the epidemic.

Helpful Resources

1. The Centers for the Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) is the national agency responsible for monitoring and evaluating diseases and conditions. CDCP’s task is to collect data and generate statistics on adverse events related to Gardasil and other vaccinations. Its website, www.cdc.gov, contains much useful information and credible reporting of research.

2. To search for more information on Gardasil, enter “Gardasil Adverse Reactions” on the CDCP Web site, and follow the links.

3. Here’s a Web site with good general information on Gardasil. The CDCP claims it is monitoring the adverse reactions and that their last review showed no pattern linking adverse events to Gardasil.

4. Judicial Watch is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation that performed considerable digging on the Gardasil issue and issued a report that you can find by clicking this link.
The links share documents that Judicial Watch uncovered after invoking the Freedom of Information Act. This includes a copy of individuals’ adverse events. The site also provides links to news stories, and even a full text of the Phase 3 clinical trial published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

5. Rick Fontana, a concerned father of two young daughters, wrote an informed letter of passionate concern to the regional immunization leader in British Columbia, Canada, when he found out that it would be launching a Gardasil vaccination campaign. He did considerable research and provides a linkable biography with many sources, including second thoughts about the widespread use of Gardasil.

Larry Scherwitz, PhD, is a behavioral scientist who specializes in mind-body medicine and reversing heart disease and obesity through lifestyle changes. He has conducted research on studies published in prestigious medical journals, ranging from The Journal of the American Medical Association to The Lancet; he is also co-author of The Enlightened Diet: 7 Weight Loss Solutions That Nourish Body, Mind, and Soul. Call him at 415.810.7874, or visit him at www.Enlightened-Diet.com to learn more about his Whole Person Nutrition Program for wellness, weight loss, and heart-health; and his coaching programs and books.

Add a Comment32 Comments

EmpowHER Guest

Because a woman's risk factors may change with her lifestyle, many medical professionals prefer that you have a Pap smear yearly through age 65 years and older, regardless of the number of negative tests you have had in the past.
Causes of Cervical Cancer

March 3, 2011 - 1:16am


November 3, 2009 - 7:51am
EmpowHER Guest

My daughter was seriously injured by the gardasil shot. I am positive about this. She developed peripheral neuropathy in both feet, peripheral vision loss, bloody stools, bloody noses, fainting with paralysis of both legs which lasts for hours. She is also having migraine headaches mostly every day. She has an unsteady gait. This Gardasil crap should be listed as a weapon of mass destruction. It is unproven. My daughter had a regular period for 2 years before her first gardahell shot. Now she has not had a period since November of 2007. Thanks Merck for continuing to poison your patient. Everyone involved should be sentenced for unleashing this upon our young children. Oh by the way...kids are getting genital warts and HPV from the very vaccine that was suppose to prevent it.

September 28, 2009 - 12:50pm
EmpowHER Guest

“ONE LESS”. Our family is “ONE LESS”. Jessie had all three shots of Gardasil. After the second shot she and her mother notices the headaches, Muscle aches, and fatigue. Jessie was taken to the doctor that gave her the Gardasil. The doctor said it was just stress. Jessie was a cheerleader; a member of the National Honor Society, Played many sports and was practicing for softball, which was about to start.
Jessie went with her mother on February 20, 2008 for the third shot of Gardasil. The next night she told her mother that the headache was back and went to bed. Her mother went to work early the next day and upon returning home from work found Jessie dead. She had been dead for several hours. The medical examiner said, “She was dead before she hit the floor”. Still he could find no cause for her death.
Gardasil was typed into the computer and the nightmares that came up were shocking. We have been in contact with several families that have also lost their daughters to the vaccine that was to protect them. If we had only known that there were other side effects other than the few that were listed by Merck. Jessie would NEVER have received this wonder vaccine that is killing and maiming our girls.
Since Jessie’s death we have been researching and cannot believe that the FDA and the CDC have not pulled this product off the market. There are so many unanswered questions. The GRAY ZONES of risk were mentioned. They are calling all of the deaths (48 plus) just in the U.S. that we know of, sheer coincidences. There have been 15,000 adverse reactions also reported just in the U.S. Statistics show that only 1%-10% is ever reported to VAERS, which is a very small percentage. Many families do not know to report the reactions or how to report them. It is not mandatory for doctors to report the adverse reactions so many doctors do not report them.
Should I go on? YES!!!
Gardasil trials by Merck brought many new medical conditions to many of the girls and women that were being used for the studies. This information is found on the FDA web site dated September 11, 2008. If you would like to look at it the information is on page 132 table 73 titled “New Medical Conditions.
HPV is a virus that the body can fight off over a period of time. The virus COULD cause cervical cancer, NOT WOULD cause cancer. In the U.S. cervical cancer is on the decline with the Pap test and other forms of detection. We do not have an epidemic of cervical cancer so why is Merck pushing to have every girl vaccinated. YOU GUESSED IT!!!! The answer is MONEY. Merck lost a lot of money with the drug VIOX. This drug was also killing people and had to be removed from the market. This is why my family and many others are fighting so hard to remove gardasil from the market. We do not want other families to suffer the loss of a child or have a daughter that is unable to function a normal life because of something that was suppose to keep her safe.
Please do not have your daughter vaccinated without researching Gardasil
A grandmother who knows.

September 27, 2009 - 12:22pm
EmpowHER Guest

Oop, I forgot-
1. there is no prior screening for HPVs, and over 24 million people have a strain if not more than one. If a person takes the vaccine and has HPV but doesn't know it- their risk of cervical cancer increases, because it exacerbates the previous existing condition. This is a very important fact that remains under veils, as do all the others.
2. Why MERCK is not forced to share these facts is already a breach in turst creating so much bad blood between the public and future vaccines. If the FDA and the CDC would stop being lazy and do their jobs the public would embrave any federal policy to keep America healthy- but these and other "safe guarding agencies" have become indifferent for one reason or another and do not keep the safety of the public in mind.
3.Included in this group of "watchdogs" gone indifferent or perhaps "gone to the other side" are the Women in Government- a group of women legislators who have tried diligently to MAKE every women and male child take the vaccine- thinking very naivly that they will wipe out cervical cancer if they will but just do this one goal- but even the testing researched Dr. D. Harper has already said this goal- made back in the day they tried to get approval- will not be attainable because not even MERCK knows how long the vaccine lasts. : \
3. 5 yrs. is not the truth- they only conducted trials for 36 months and interviewed in person after five days about the injection site, then e-mailed or phone for the second follow up- so no real information was taken ( no vitals, etc...) and then the last follow up was a form on a voluntary basis- also no real information was attained.
6. Dr. D. Harper has indicated that the adverse effects do outweigh the benefits because in order for this vaccine to have gotten rid of cancer it needed to have been injected to ALL the girls from 9-26 reoeatedly through out until they wed or became post menopausal and now they say the boys would have to have been too. So their projections were unrealistic and unattainable, but Women in Government do not see or understand this even today. This being because the vaccine does not prevent cancer only four strains two of which do cause cancer but 30% cervical cancers do not come from HPVs- so really it was a complete hoax : (
7. It should have been advertised for exactly what it was a four strain HPV vaccine and all patients should have been screened for diabetes, High Blood Pressure and for HPVs.

8. AS of June 2009 MERCK has also issued the directive that doctors not insist on shots 2 and 3 if the 1st shot created a neg. reaction- bowever the reactions can come as late a few months. Many doctors, however, are not following this directive so be ware and know yourself. And it may take months to years to know if you will develop lesions on the cervix even from this one shot. Lots U, X and F were also prevalent in those who suffered death and other severe issues, so steer clear from those lots.

September 26, 2009 - 10:12pm
EmpowHER Guest

This is interesting to read-
1. Just because Merck wants to vaccinate 9-26 yr olds doesn't mean that the younger age of this range are sexually active or thattheir parents are not teaching them absitnance- they are trying to avoid getting EVER an HPV.
2. but this just shows what a lousy job MERCK has done in relaying the facts about their trial studies and their "facts" about this vaccine
3. MERCK tested for no longer than 36 months and they themsleves say this in their product inserts or information that probably gets tossed by the doctors who open the product and then give the shot- does the patient ever get to tread the product insert? No. and does MERCK advert on their ads any of this informaiton? no.
Why they get special attention or rules from FDA only remains to be discovered but we can guess why.
4. MERCK has indicated in these inserts that are available on line that their shots produce rheumatoid, juvenile or reactive arthritis- this is a disclaimer - to avoid legal proceedings, a safety "cover our butts" measure even though the company is not allowed to be sued- why? I don't know.
5. BUt for injured people from this vaccine there is a database- not much has been doen though so why it was made I can't figure out unless they are doing public testing on those who take it and collecting feedback for that purpose- where those who reacted negatively can disclose their findings. Also there is a compensation site where people can file for compensation and those same people should also contact consumer affairs website to complain- obviously
6. Those who claim they never received negative side effects- I will tell you something I have learned from studying poisons- like Splenda /Sucralose; Aspartame; Polysorbate 80; and Gardasil that if a product gives a neg. reaction to one person it is giving it to all the people who consumed/ injected it.
There are categories of side effects and some are easily seen - and some are not but affect the organs of the body and are not dicovered for many years or months, but they are side effects none the same. And the symptoms that are hidden in Gardasil are cervical lesions 2-3 years after being shot with the vaccine. SO if you are in the
"no side effects" category- please go and be tested and learn early what it has done to you.
7. those who have suffered the paralysis, the weakness, the seizures and fainting- they have developed Celiac's disease from the rheumatoid arthritis and must be healed with a special diet and much detoxing asap=
you can also collaborate on this on a yahoo group called Let's_talk_about_Gardasil
there you will be gathered in with the other ladies and can get help on many topics like attorney, compensation, and other facts. You can also e-mail me [email protected] and I can dole out literature, videos, etc... I made a story on a google doc that I can share called The Real Story of Gardasil, and I have MERCK inserts and publications about their trials and their data- we have learned that the trials were goofed up quite abit and that it revealed nothing about the vaccine but much about the relationship MERCK has with the FDA, and that the liquid that the vaccine uses in its mix is where the poison lies- Polysorbate 80.
8. I have literature and blog quotes that link the side effects from Polysorbate 80 and the side effects experienced by the girls ( over 15,000) which are identical.
THe cervical lesions being the newest side effect to come out because it took years to determine/ occur.
9. We fear other side effects will come out like fetal damage, and infertility- from tests made with Polysorbate 80, a product the World Health Organization deemed unfit for human consumption. It is an emulsifier typically found in soaps, this one in heavy commercial detergents( : \ yuck)
10. We have also found that much corruption in the way of paid support from legislatures have tainted MERCK as well as it trying to jip Medicaid and dishonest advertising- just google MERCK and attorney general and you should have enough reading for quite a long time- all of which show MERCK being charged for diverse things all dishonest.
11. I cannot understand = after reading the VAERs database- how this company stays in business after so many complaints have been made about not just Gardasil but many of their vaccine- their name is the most repeated on this adverse effects record that can be found on line. They have diverse vaccines and my advice to you- not being a doctor or anything other than a teacher, is to avoid this company like the plague- they have no scruples and their vaccines bring trouble- perhaps back in the day it may have been a reputable company but somewhere in their history somthing has changed drastically and stay away is my only recommendation- read on VAERs the number of complaints and which vaccines and who has made them so you can choose your future vaccines by maker and by name- so you will not be on that site making a future complaint yourself.
12. Also the "facts" distorted by MERCK who seemed to have provided the CDC and FDA and other crucial agencies- those who trained clinics on HPVs and Gardasil- are complete falsehoods. Less than 1% of North America is affected with Cervical Cancer thanks to regular PAP smears - eliminating 70% of the numbers of affected women. That cervical cancer was never proven by MERCK to have ever been prevented by Gardasil- it to date still has not proven it will prevent it. The trials were to test what if any adverse effects occur at the injection site ONLY. They annotated the diverse adverse effects that came with the experiment on girls and ladies, including death. But this never came out as a disclaimer when boasting this vaccine to the public before it was approved as a cancer fighting vaccine. So you see - the whole country was deceived by their advertisements- and FDA and CDC said nothing about it- Infact the FDA even allowed knowlingly for MERCK to have a "placebo" which contained part of the vaccine- masking the real findings from the tirals- something that science does not permit. The placebo was not a pure saline solution- it was for 300 patients, but not for 3,000+ patients. The polysorbate was in the second placebo and so their effects resembled those of the vaccine. However the effects were very different from the first placebo which was the true placebo. So you see how even in the trials - there is a lot of deception. The report then came out that there were no differences between the placebo and the vaccine- but this does not hide the fact that there were deaths, and three different types of arthritis (debilitating) that came from the use of this vaccine during the trials.
13. MERCK is dishonest. It has been seen time and time again. They have created a bad feeling between the public and the vaccine policy, forcing immigrants and residents construed as immigrants in a ploy to vye for participants through a "force" or coersive manner- through law. This has infringed on CIVIL RIGHTS and now the community is at a huge discord about the benefits of vaccines in general. The vaccine business is a billion dollar business- this in and of itself should be changed. No one should stand to gain on vaccines that are mandated- conflict of interest.
14. CIVIL RIGHTS should be respected and the idea of mandating vaccines for the sole reason to profit should be outlawed- instead now we also have H1N1 to deal with and so close to the Gardasil horror story- so now many refuse any vaccine and rightly so because the poor girls who are afflicted have been housebound for years and in terrible pain and instability many on deaths door. Who would dare now tell them they will be forced with yet another vaccine- it is criminal and even a torture.
15. The scare created by media repeating "facts" that are lies doesn't help in treating the deception because they are spreading rumors and doing further damage. Where is CDC? WHere is FDA? Like the UN they don't exist. Are the FDA and CDC getting $$ so they stay out of it? Who knows- maybe they are just terribly inefficient.
16. It is expected, but how can the public become numb to the fact that more girls are being killed and maimed -pre-child bearing aged- then the women who may not be getting their PAPs and falling ill from cervical cancer - in their POST child bearing ages. I mean I know we are all important - but Gardasil is killing off an entire generation of girls and their ability to procreate. Is this a conspiracy? It is a fact. The women who took the shots and then got pregnant had children who came out with clubbed foot(confirmed), respiratory issues( confirmed) and some children died ( I believe).
Polysorbate 80 in lab rats created infertility.
17. Please research everything you inject and eat- it is very important to your quality of life. Do not depend on the government to protect you. Be responsible for your own health and learn what you can and be leery of the sources from which you get your information- Wiki cannot be trusted- many have tried to change the Gardasil entry and have been unsuccessful and this is solely to up-date not to damage the company. Others before me tried and I tried to include the MERCK published disclaimers and was not allowed to.
18. take heed of testimonies from others- this is a reliable source- they have nothing to gain and read the story of Gardasil on google docs.
visit the glarstout channel on youtube to hear testimonies from victims and to hear the daily trials they suffer before you take one shot. It may save your life.

September 26, 2009 - 9:40pm
EmpowHER Guest

This is interesting to read-
1. Just because Merck wants to vaccinate 9-26 yr olds doesn't mean that the younger age of this range are sexually active or thattheir parents are not teaching them absitnance- they are trying to avoid getting EVER an HPV.
2. but this just shows what a lousy job MERCK has done in relaying the facts about their trial studies and their "facts" about this vaccine
3. MERCK tested for no longer than 36 months and they themsleves say this in their product inserts or information that probably gets tossed by the doctors who open the product and then give the shot- does the patient ever get to tread the product insert? No. and does MERCK advert on their ads any of this informaiton? no.
Why they get special attention or rules from FDA only remains to be discovered but we can guess why.
4. MERCK has indicated in these inserts that are available on line that their shots produce rheumatoid, juvenile or reactive arthritis- this is a disclaimer - to avoid legal proceedings, a safety "cover our butts" measure even though the company is not allowed to be sued- why? I don't know.
5. BUt for injured people from this vaccine there is a database- not much has been doen though so why it was made I can't figure out unless they are doing public testing on those who take it and collecting feedback for that purpose- where those who reacted negatively can disclose their findings. Also there is a compensation site where people can file for compensation and those same people should also contact consumer affairs website to complain- obviously
6. Those who claim they never received negative side effects- I will tell you something I have learned from studying poisons- like Splenda /Sucralose; Aspartame; Polysorbate 80; and Gardasil that if a product gives a neg. reaction to one person it is giving it to all the people who consumed/ injected it.
There are categories of side effects and some are easily seen - and some are not but affect the organs of the body and are not dicovered for many years or months, but they are side effects none the same. And the symptoms that are hidden in Gardasil are cervical lesions 2-3 years after being shot with the vaccine. SO if you are in the
"no side effects" category- please go and be tested and learn early what it has done to you.
7. those who have suffered the paralysis, the weakness, the seizures and fainting- they have developed Celiac's disease from the rheumatoid arthritis and must be healed with a special diet and much detoxing asap=
you can also collaborate on this on a yahoo group called Let's_talk_about_Gardasil
there you will be gathered in with the other ladies and can get help on many topics like attorney, compensation, and other facts. You can also e-mail me [email protected] and I can dole out literature, videos, etc... I made a story on a google doc that I can share called The Real Story of Gardasil, and I have MERCK inserts and publications about their trials and their data- we have learned that the trials were goofed up quite abit and that it revealed nothing about the vaccine but much about the relationship MERCK has with the FDA, and that the liquid that the vaccine uses in its mix is where the poison lies- Polysorbate 80.
8. I have literature and blog quotes that link the side effects from Polysorbate 80 and the side effects experienced by the girls ( over 15,000) which are identical.
THe cervical lesions being the newest side effect to come out because it took years to determine/ occur.
9. We fear other side effects will come out like fetal damage, and infertility- from tests made with Polysorbate 80, a product the World Health Organization deemed unfit for human consumption. It is an emulsifier typically found in soaps, this one in heavy commercial detergents( : \ yuck)
10. We have also found that much corruption in the way of paid support from legislatures have tainted MERCK as well as it trying to jip Medicaid and dishonest advertising- just google MERCK and attorney general and you should have enough reading for quite a long time- all of which show MERCK being charged for diverse things all dishonest.
11. I cannot understand = after reading the VAERs database- how this company stays in business after so many complaints have been made about not just Gardasil but many of their vaccine- their name is the most repeated on this adverse effects record that can be found on line. They have diverse vaccines and my advice to you- not being a doctor or anything other than a teacher, is to avoid this company like the plague- they have no scruples and their vaccines bring trouble- perhaps back in the day it may have been a reputable company but somewhere in their history somthing has changed drastically and stay away is my only recommendation- read on VAERs the number of complaints and which vaccines and who has made them so you can choose your future vaccines by maker and by name- so you will not be on that site making a future complaint yourself.
12. Also the "facts" distorted by MERCK who seemed to have provided the CDC and FDA and other crucial agencies- those who trained clinics on HPVs and Gardasil- are complete falsehoods. Less than 1% of North America is affected with Cervical Cancer thanks to regular PAP smears - eliminating 70% of the numbers of affected women. That cervical cancer was never proven by MERCK to have ever been prevented by Gardasil- it to date still has not proven it will prevent it. The trials were to test what if any adverse effects occur at the injection site ONLY. They annotated the diverse adverse effects that came with the experiment on girls and ladies, including death. But this never came out as a disclaimer when boasting this vaccine to the public before it was approved as a cancer fighting vaccine. So you see - the whole country was deceived by their advertisements- and FDA and CDC said nothing about it- Infact the FDA even allowed knowlingly for MERCK to have a "placebo" which contained part of the vaccine- masking the real findings from the tirals- something that science does not permit. The placebo was not a pure saline solution- it was for 300 patients, but not for 3,000+ patients. The polysorbate was in the second placebo and so their effects resembled those of the vaccine. However the effects were very different from the first placebo which was the true placebo. So you see how even in the trials - there is a lot of deception. The report then came out that there were no differences between the placebo and the vaccine- but this does not hide the fact that there were deaths, and three different types of arthritis (debilitating) that came from the use of this vaccine during the trials.
13. MERCK is dishonest. It has been seen time and time again. They have created a bad feeling between the public and the vaccine policy, forcing immigrants and residents construed as immigrants in a ploy to vye for participants through a "force" or coersive manner- through law. This has infringed on CIVIL RIGHTS and now the community is at a huge discord about the benefits of vaccines in general. The vaccine business is a billion dollar business- this in and of itself should be changed. No one should stand to gain on vaccines that are mandated- conflict of interest.
14. CIVIL RIGHTS should be respected and the idea of mandating vaccines for the sole reason to profit should be outlawed- instead now we also have H1N1 to deal with and so close to the Gardasil horror story- so now many refuse any vaccine and rightly so because the poor girls who are afflicted have been housebound for years and in terrible pain and instability many on deaths door. Who would dare now tell them they will be forced with yet another vaccine- it is criminal and even a torture.
15. The scare created by media repeating "facts" that are lies doesn't help in treating the deception because they are spreading rumors and doing further damage. Where is CDC? WHere is FDA? Like the UN they don't exist. Are the FDA and CDC getting $$ so they stay out of it? Who knows- maybe they are just terribly inefficient.
16. It is expected, but how can the public become numb to the fact that more girls are being killed and maimed -pre-child bearing aged- then the women who may not be getting their PAPs and falling ill from cervical cancer - in their POST child bearing ages. I mean I know we are all important - but Gardasil is killing off an entire generation of girls and their ability to procreate. Is this a conspiracy? It is a fact. The women who took the shots and then got pregnant had children who came out with clubbed foot(confirmed), respiratory issues( confirmed) and some children died ( I believe).
Polysorbate 80 in lab rats created infertility.
17. Please research everything you inject and eat- it is very important to your quality of life. Do not depend on the government to protect you. Be responsible for your own health and learn what you can and be leery of the sources from which you get your information- Wiki cannot be trusted- many have tried to change the Gardasil entry and have been unsuccessful and this is solely to up-date not to damage the company. Others before me tried and I tried to include the MERCK published disclaimers and was not allowed to.
18. take heed of testimonies from others- this is a reliable source- they have nothing to gain and read the story of Gardasil on google docs.
visit the glarstout channel on youtube to hear testimonies from victims and to hear the daily trials they suffer before you take one shot. It may save your life.

September 26, 2009 - 9:40pm
EmpowHER Guest

are there any side effects if you have had the 1st injection but choose not to get the other two?

August 27, 2009 - 12:33pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)


September 26, 2009 - 8:03pm


Having been an administrator in a pediatric group for some years, the number of vaccinations given during any one time is certainly overwhelming. It also makes it difficult, when vaccinations are combined, to determine which if any may have caused an issue for a particular child.

Had none of us been vaccinated as children, there would be far fewer of us around today due to disease, and diseases which are all but eradicated would still be around. It is weighing the benefits against the risks whether it be vaccinations, or many other things in life. And, I'm glad that you came up with a regime that worked for both you and your child(ren).

Unfortunately, most people do not even know what HPV is. However, given the fact that if affects 80% of individuals at some point in their lives, obviously the odds are not on our side. I have the unfortunate experience of having dealt with HPV since 1987 and the procedures, treatments, surgeries etc that I have had to go through, believe me, no parent would want to see their child go through what I have (and still am).

The majority of individual's immune systems will keep the virus dormant, but when you are on the "bad" side of the numbers, looking at statistics isn't much consolation. Today is a difficult day for me. I'm very depressed asking why me. On Monday, I had four long metal cylinders inserted into anal sphincter. Into those cylinders were placed radioactive material directly to the area of the invasive lesion. It was excrutiatingly painful and had to stay in place, a portion of the cylinders protruding out, for 24 hours. I was unable to move, remaining on my back during the entire time with pain medication that barely helped. I was also catheterized and ended up coming home with a bladder infection. Two days later (yesterday) I was back getting hooked up for this last round of chemotherapy which will end Monday. The radiation burns from the external beam radiation which ended last week go from my pubic bone back beyond my anus. The skin has many fissures which are like papercuts and very painful. I say all this not to gross people out or make them feel sorry for me, but to have people understand that THIS is what can happen from HPV. I am not an isolated case as many would like to believe.

Of course people should investigate things like vaccines before running head on into getting them. What upsets me are those individuals who make sometimes false claims and statements (for things which are not an opinion but are factually based) making ridiculous accusations about the drug companies (some of which are grounded in fact but not all) and scaring people to death unnecessarily with their hysterical claims. The vaccine companies turned DOWN Harald zur Hausen's request to develop a vaccine for HPV after he identified it as the cause of cervical cancer in the mid-80's.

I'm glad you are proactive on your children's behalf and have one of the most important things needed to protect them, an open mind.


August 21, 2009 - 4:32pm
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