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Glynis Shares How She Networked To Find A Breast Cancer Doctor (VIDEO)

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Glynis Shares How She Networked To Find A Breast Cancer Doctor (VIDEO)
Glynis Shares How She Networked To Find A Breast Cancer Doctor (VIDEO)
18 of 22 : Current video

Listen as Glynis recalls how she networked with friends to find a breast cancer doctor.

Well you know what, I was very fortunate because my boss at that time had just gone through prostate cancer and so, I asked him basically, where did he go because we were new to Arizona even and I knew to Mayo Clinic here. I wasn’t sure whether we were going to be able to afford it or not but, of the four people I asked, all of them said go to Mayo Clinic, and two of the four just had friends who had gone to a doctor at the Mayo Clinic who was absolutely wonderful.

And so, I got the same doctor’s name from two people, out of two different circles of life and, even the oncologist I had gone to, gave me this doctor’s name. So actually it was two friends and a doctor who had referred me to the same doctor at Mayo Clinic and that’s who I went to see.

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