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Glynis Shares How Her Body Reacted To Chemotherapy (VIDEO)

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Glynis Shares How Her Body Reacted To Chemotherapy (VIDEO)
Glynis Shares How Her Body Reacted To Chemotherapy (VIDEO)
12 of 22 : Current video

Glynis recalls how her body was affected by her chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer.

Chemotherapy did change my body. First of all, the weird thing ismy tongue turned blue, completely blue, which was very weird. I don’t think I was prepared for the blue tongue. Then, obviously chemotherapy brings your hair out and that was something I was really looking forward to, and the reason I was looking forward to that was I thought, “My gosh, I am going to get a better grade of hair,” because from all the research I had done, all the women said, “Yeah, my hair came back really, really different.”

So for me, I had very thick hair and after the chemotherapy my hair is now naturally curly and it’s a thinner grade of hair and kind of more manageable. So I was looking forward to that.

My body became very, very stiff, and I moved more slowly, and I had to make a cognizant effort to conserve my energy because it does zap you of energy.
And so, I laid down a lot and I really rested because your body needs the opportunity to recover from the chemotherapy. And so, at first, that was a little hard for me because I was used to being up and active and at work and all that, but you have to allow your body the opportunity to repair itself.

And so, chemotherapy just really kind of slows you down a little bit. The doctors or the medicine now is a little more advanced so you don’t get as sick. The doctors can give you nausea medication to help with any sickness that you might have after chemotherapy.

The sickness and throwing up wasn’t really my problem. You would feel a little nauseous, but again the medication will help with that.

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Visit Glynis at the Urban Tea Loft

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EmpowHER Guest

Thanks for this my nan just had one session and her Tongue has gone blue also

August 30, 2011 - 9:20am
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