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Jess Weiner Promotes The Dove Movement For Self-Esteem

By EmpowHER
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Michelle King Robson, CEO & founder of EmpowHER.com, interviews Jess Weiner, Dove's global ambassador for self-esteem, about her role with the Dove Movement for Self-Esteem.

Michelle King Robson:
So, we at EmpowHER love what you are doing with the Dove campaign and I just want you to tell me, you know, all about it and how you got involved and why it’s so important?

Jess Weiner:
Well the Dove campaign for me was one of those campaigns as an outside I was watching and saying, “Oh my gosh, I want to get involved”, right when those women came up in underwear and we’re looking at all these real beautiful women out there and I thought that really resonates for me and not just because I am a woman in this world, but I am also a self-esteem expert for the past 15 years and it’s the number one thing that I hear from women every single day is ‘I don’t like the way that I look’ and then you know, they don’t like who they look and they stop engaging in their life.

So I was able to partner with Dove four years ago, became their global ambassador for self-esteem and now I am a part of Dove’s largest effort to date, which is called the Dove Movement for Self-Esteem and it’s really this bold vision that’s inviting everybody to imagine a world where beauty is a source of confidence and not anxiety. So you think about that. That’s a world I want to live in, right?

Michelle King Robson:
It’s a world I want to live in too.

Jess Weiner:
Exactly, so we need to create that world and that’s what the movement is really all about. So it’s going from the dialogue into the action so we have a fantastic website called dovemovement.com where you can go and get tips and tools and activities for ways to engage with girls in your life and we are asking everybody to take an hour and spend 60 minutes with a girl in your life doing a self-esteem building activity.

And obviously we want you to do it as many times as you can and want to but even doing it once, those 60 minutes become 60 moments of opportunities to change her life. We obviously want to target girls 8 to 18 during those really tricky tween years and teen years and there’s different messages in each of those years. Certainly when a girl, we know when she hits 13 – 12, 13, 14, she is going through puberty and her body is changing, it really begins to be a battle with her own body, with her identity and then we live in this world that sends us a lot of mixed messages.

So girls, get those messages at all different places. So this is really to help empower moms and mentors, caregivers, community leaders who work with girls and want to get involved at any stage of their life.

Michelle King Robson:
So how could a company like EmpowHER help Dove?

Jess Weiner:
Well here’s what happened last weekend which I am so inspired by. We kicked off the Dove National Self-Esteem Weekend. So independently across this country, over 500 events happened and they were book-signings and book-readings and they were self-esteem scavenger hunts and they were hikes and power walks and creating a positive playlist with girls.

So there was a whole host in different events and one of the ways we are asking businesses or corporations and groups to get involved is you can create your own event, you can sponsor an event, you can create an event, or individually you can kind of encourage us to all get involved in the Dove Movement and work with girls in our life. I think it has to be real collective community.

So last week it was this huge kick off and we want that to continue and so a lot of folks are going to dovemovement.com, they are registering their events, they are letting people know what they are doing and that’s inspiring change all over the place.

Michelle King Robson:
Well you are an inspiration and thank you so much for doing this and I love this Dove Movement and we promise we’ll be a part of it.

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