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After Bariatric Surgery, How Often Do Patients Put Weight Back On? - Dr. Ellner (VIDEO)

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Dr. Ellner shares how often patients put weight back on after bariatric surgery.

Dr. Ellner:
One of the most common questions that patients ask me is what percentage of people who have bariatric surgery of any kind, regain weight. Unfortunately, the answer to that question is something that we don’t really know, and the reason why we, as surgeons, don’t know how many patients may be experiencing a small or a significant amount of weight regain is that the weight regain is almost always associated with a lack of follow-up with the surgeon.

Every single patient who has come through my incisionless revision program, who has regained weight and is desirous of the revision because of that has been out of follow-up with their surgeon for a variety of reasons. Sometimes and most of the time, it’s due to the fact that the patient, quite frankly, feels better than they ever have in their entire lives, and as human beings, we have no desire to go see the surgeon for a follow-up appointment, perhaps having to pay a co-pay on our insurance when we feel better than we ever have in living memory.

About Dr. Ellner, M.D.:
Dr. Julie Ellner, M.D., is a bariatric surgeon and medical director of Alvarado's Surgical Weight-Loss Program at Alvarado Hospital.

Visit Dr. Ellner at Alvarado Hospital

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