Sheree recalls how she reacted when she learned she was HIV positive and recommends the Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS.
Hi, I am Sheree and I was diagnosed with HIV in October 5, 2001. I went to my doctors because my husband was diagnosed and I got tested and it turned out to be positive. It turns out my husband was gay and I didn’t know it. I had no clue so when I found that out I had to tell these women and let other women know that it can happen to you. I’m the girl next door.
Just because you think your husband is being faithful doesn’t mean he is. He could have slept with somebody before you, after you, during with you and it can happen to you. It happened to me.
When I was diagnosed in October of 2001, I was very scared. I couldn’t believe it was happening to me. I thought I was going to die. Little did I know, after getting some education, I learned I wasn’t going to die and I learned that I could live a normal, happy life.
If I was talking to someone who was newly diagnosed I would tell them, “You are going to be okay. There are help. There are support groups you can go to. You could call me personally.” We all come together in a group and we’re like our own little family.
For some of you that haven’t been here before, to the Southwest Center for HIV and AIDS, it’s a very open, welcome place to come. When you come in the receptionist warms you with a sweet smile and you can go up to the counter and ask for the help that you need and they will send you in the right direction.
Southwest Center, for me, is a home away from home. I have been coming here nine years and without them I don’t know where I’d be. They helped me. They have helped my children and for someone who has never been there I would encourage to go check it out. They will do tours. They will give you the information and if they don’t have it, they will send you to somebody who will.
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Hi how did u know u were HIV positive I've been raped and the guy said he gave me a new undetectable HIV strain
October 21, 2013 - 8:31amThis Comment