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Spring Season Fat Loss Tips

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Spring is almost upon us and you should take advantage of the warmer weather to kick start your fat loss and weight loss program. After a brutally cold winter for many of you, it's time for you to change up or restart your exercise program.

There’s something about the spring season that makes our hearts a little merrier. Take advantage of the extra adrenaline and push yourself a little harder during your workouts.

For those who get depressed during the winter months, spring can be a welcome relief. According to a WebMD Depression Health Center report, seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is a type of depression that affects a person during the same season each year. If you get depressed in the winter but feel much better in spring and summer, you may have SAD.

The report goes on to state that anyone can get SAD, but it is more common in people who live in areas where winter days are very short or there are big changes in the amount of daylight in different seasons.

Even if SAD is not a problem for you, use the extra daylight and warm weather to your advantage to exercise and move more.

Here are some tips to jump start your exercise this spring season:

1. Get your doctor's clearance if you've been inactive for awhile.

2. Set realistic goals such as restarting your active lifestyle, burning body fat (losing inches) or losing 1-2 pounds a week.

3. Start today with a 20-minute walk. Do this walk every day, somewhere, at some point (the mall, at work or the park works). You can break it up into two 10-minute walks if you want.

4. Start today with your great meal plan full of nutritious, whole foods that you like!

5. Start today with your food journal and get your friend to be an accountability partner.

6. On Day 2, begin a 20-minute cardio routine or activity that you like such as biking, tennis, soccer, swimming or basketball. Do this cardio three days a week.

7. On Day 3, begin doing a 20-minute bodyweight strength exercise workout. You need to build muscle mass in order to burn fat and speed up your metabolism. Do your bodyweight exercise routine three days a week. Include exercises such as squats, step ups, pull-ups, pushups, inverted rows, mountain climbers and planks. These exercises work major muscle groups and will help you burn more fat.

8. Reward yourself each week with something like full body massage therapy or a special meal. Also, measure your progress each week. It's important to monitor your body fat percentage each week.

If you have been exercising hard the first two months of the year, March is a good time to evaluate your progress. Your body fat percentage should be at least 10 percent to 20 percent lower than it was at January 1. And, you should have lost significant inches on your body measurements. These benchmarks are the true indicators of a successful fat loss and weight loss program.

What about weight loss? Over two month’s time, it is reasonable to lose 10-20 pounds from your frame. This will depend on your compliance with your workouts and meal plan. Don’t be too alarmed if you have lost only 5 pounds. Fat loss is more important than weight loss. Continue to build muscle mass and burn body fat to speed up your metabolism.

It's important to rejuvenate yourself periodically. Use this spring season to give yourself a kick start with your program.

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES, CPT is a Certified Personal Trainer and former NCAA Division I athlete. Mark is the owner of My Fitness Hut, Her Fitness Hut, Sports Fitness Hut and My Nutrition Hut. Mark’s Fat Blaster Athletic Training System has been proven to give his clients the fit, sculpted and athletic-type bodies they want. Visit Mark’s main site:

Your Fitness University http://yourfitnessuniversity.com

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EmpowHER Guest

If you get depressed in the winter but feel much better in spring and summer, you may have SAD.

June 26, 2013 - 3:17am
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