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Dependable Fat Burners

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Dependable fat burners are ones that you can control. I never recommend weight loss pills and fat burning supplements to get rid of body fat. At best, these supplements will give a temporary boost to your fat loss and weight loss efforts.

If you must ingest a product, go the inexpensive route. Green tea, or green tea extract, and coffee--or caffeine in general--don’t cost much and they provide proven health and fat burning benefits.

Researchers from the University of Luton reviewed 39 published caffeine studies. They found that caffeine users improved endurance exercise performance and short/high intensity exercise performance by 12.4 percent when compared to groups using placebos. This will help you burn calories and fat.

The risks associated with moderate caffeine use are pretty small. If caffeine is part of your diet, use it wisely to help your exercise performance. The U. S. Food and Drug Administration has stated that caffeine does not increase the risk of or contribute to heart disease, cancer, bone loss or high blood pressure.

According to a study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, green tea has been shown to activate the body's thermogenic fat-burning activity. In this study, an optimal amount of catechins (690 mg) ingested for 12 weeks significantly reduced the subjects' total fat area, waist circumference and subcutaneous fat area.

Cardiologist Nieca Goldberg, MD, a spokeswoman for the American Heart Association and medical director of the New York University Women's Heart Center is in agreement that green tea has important antioxidants and compounds that help in maintaining good health. Green tea's antioxidants (catechins) destroy free radicals that can damage DNA and contribute to cancer, blood clots, and atherosclerosis.

Here are fat burners you can always depend on, with or without caffeine, green tea or other supplements:

1. Short bursts of intense exercise such as interval cardio and circuit strength training. Building muscle will burn fat and lean out your body. And interval cardio will not waste away your muscle mass like long cardio sessions. Body weight cardio is even better because it is a combination strength/cardio activity. All it takes is 20 minutes a session to burn calories during and after your workout.

2. Eating a menu dominated with whole, natural, clean foods. The less ingredients in the food the better. For instance, fruits and vegetables have one ingredient--the food itself. This will prevent you from eating foods stored in a bag or box. These foods are often high in ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, other sugars and saturated fats.

3. An active lifestyle will help keep your metabolism active all day, thereby burning calories. Here are some examples:
--Walk as much as you can every day.
--Ride a bike everywhere you can—to work, to the store, bike for 30 minutes after work, etc.
--Do short workouts during work breaks. Body weight exercises, Pilates or yoga work well here.

4. Keep your body and metabolism functioning properly by getting enough rest.

Use these dependable fat burners at will.

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES, CPT is a Certified Personal Trainer and former NCAA Division I athlete. Mark is the owner of My Fitness Hut, Her Fitness Hut, Sports Fitness Hut and My Nutrition Hut. Mark’s Fat Blaster Athletic Training System has been proven to give his clients the fit, sculpted and athletic-type bodies they want. Visit Mark’s main site:

Your Fitness University http://yourfitnessuniversity.com

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