There are many different reasons that can cause a woman to experience vaginismus. Vaginismus is a condition that makes the muscles of the vagina become tense. It may happen as a reaction to a past negative sexual experience that still is having a bad effect.
Fear of pain or discomfort causes you to become tense, which can almost guarantee another negative sexual experience. Which will cause you to become tense the next time as well. This cycle can be never-ending, unless something changes. Perhaps that change will come from seeing a doctor with whom you feel you can have an ongoing discussion about sexuality.
Says Dr. Anne Katz, "My professional life is focused on providing information, education and counseling to people with cancer and their partners about sexual changes that can occur during and after treatment. But there is another important aspect to this work; I want every cancer patient to be able to have a discussion about sexuality with their health care providers."
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Recent research has shown that conditions like vaginismus and vulvodynia are related to the Pudendal Nerve. Please see for lots of information and list of health care professionals who are knowledgeable in this area. We are faced with a medical world still learning how to effectively treat this condition.
November 23, 2011 - 2:04amThis Comment